공지 사항
Good food. Good spirits. Good company!
Join us for an informal evening of lighthearted chatter and socializing. Enjoy the people, win raffle prizes,and learn about KIN and its alliance partners. Representatives from each KIN Alliance organization will be there to tell you about their exciting activities for the remainder of the year!
Cocktails & Hors` doevres Thursday Sep. 4, from 6-9pm
1235 Oakmead Parkway
Sunnyvale, California 94086
Please RSVP at info@koreait.org
Bring your friends.......
Show your interest and get involved!
Join us for an informal evening of lighthearted chatter and socializing. Enjoy the people, win raffle prizes,and learn about KIN and its alliance partners. Representatives from each KIN Alliance organization will be there to tell you about their exciting activities for the remainder of the year!
Cocktails & Hors` doevres Thursday Sep. 4, from 6-9pm
1235 Oakmead Parkway
Sunnyvale, California 94086
Please RSVP at info@koreait.org
Bring your friends.......
Show your interest and get involved!