공지 사항
Kyungdong golf tournament hosted by Sam Kim (6) will be held as below.
When: 1: 30 PM Sep. 20, 2003 Saturday
Where: HiddenBrooke Country Club @ Vallejo
Tournament fee: $100/person
Kyungdong women`s High school Alumni are also welcomed and pre-payment will be great help. Please send your confirmation & check to
Sam Kim (6): Tel) 415-883-2181, Cel) 415-883-2182
5 Katrina Lane, San Anselmo, CA 9496
KyuHaeng Lee (31): Tel) 510-353-4907, Cel) 655-5707
6558 McAdee Rd., San Jose, CA 94086
Sukyoung Kim(33)
Tel) 408-570-2636
Fax) 408-943-3401
Pager) 888-457-3712
Kyungdong women`s High school Alumni are also welcomed and pre-payment will be great help. Please send your confirmation & check to
Sam Kim (6): Tel) 415-883-2181, Cel) 415-883-2182
5 Katrina Lane, San Anselmo, CA 9496
KyuHaeng Lee (31): Tel) 510-353-4907, Cel) 655-5707
6558 McAdee Rd., San Jose, CA 94086
Sukyoung Kim(33)
Tel) 408-570-2636
Fax) 408-943-3401
Pager) 888-457-3712