공지 사항
2015년 봄 시즌에 우든 피쉬 앙상블(Wooden Fish Ensemble)은
벨지움의 대표적인 작곡가 보드위 부킹스(Boudewijn Buckinx) 씨의 70세 생일을 축하하며
2015년 4월 12일(일요일) 오후 4시에
샌프란시스코의 오울드 퍼스트 교회에서 공연을 합니다
주소 1751 Sacramento Street, San Francisco, CA 94109 | 415.474.1608
입장료 - 일반 20불, 시니어 17불, 학생 5불, 12세 미만 아동 무료
토마스 슐츠, 피아노
쇼코 히카게, 고토 & 베이스 고토
프로그램 - 보드윈 부킹스 씨가 우든 피쉬 앙상블의 주요 멤버인 토마스 슐츠의 위촉으로 작곡한 30여 분 걸리는 대곡 "The Floating World"를 비롯하여
나효신 씨의 신작 "The Sky Was Beyond Description"(세계초연)과 "After Walking"(샌프란시스코 초연) 등이 연주될 예정입니다.
Wooden Fish Ensemble celebrates the music of Boudewijn Buckinx
70th Birthday Concert
April 12, 2015 (Sunday)
4 PM
Old First Concerts
1751 Sacramento Street, San Francisco, CA 94109 | 415.474.1608
Thomas Schultz, piano
Shoko Hikage, koto & bass koto
The Wooden Fish Ensemble programs the music of the distinguished Belgian composer Boudewijn Buckinx on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Buckinx, who studied with Stockhausen and wrote his PhD dissertation on the music of Cage, has produced a large body of work over five decades and is considered to be one of Europe’s most iconoclastic composers. In the U.S. his music has been the focus of the June in Buffalo festival at The University at Buffalo and has been championed by the pianists Thomas Schultz and Daan Vandewalle. In 2004, Buckinx composed his large scale work for solo piano “The Floating World” (duration 30 minutes) for Thomas Schultz. Schultz, who is a founding member of the Wooden Fish Ensemble, will play this landmark work at the April concert. Also programmed are pieces by Buckinx for koto and percussion, and koto and violin.
Also for this concert, Hyo-shin Na has composed two new works; a work for piano solo (in honor of Boudewijn Buckinx) & a work for koto and bass koto, with both instruments played by one instrumentalist. Na has composed numerous pieces for koto and bass koto separately; the April Wooden Fish concert features this major new work (duration15 minutes) for the two instruments together.
나효신 Hyo-shin Na 羅曉信
웹사이트 www.hyo-shinna.com
페이스북 https://www.facebook.com/HyoshinNa
나효신 제공
벨지움의 대표적인 작곡가 보드위 부킹스(Boudewijn Buckinx) 씨의 70세 생일을 축하하며
2015년 4월 12일(일요일) 오후 4시에
샌프란시스코의 오울드 퍼스트 교회에서 공연을 합니다
주소 1751 Sacramento Street, San Francisco, CA 94109 | 415.474.1608
입장료 - 일반 20불, 시니어 17불, 학생 5불, 12세 미만 아동 무료
토마스 슐츠, 피아노
쇼코 히카게, 고토 & 베이스 고토
프로그램 - 보드윈 부킹스 씨가 우든 피쉬 앙상블의 주요 멤버인 토마스 슐츠의 위촉으로 작곡한 30여 분 걸리는 대곡 "The Floating World"를 비롯하여
나효신 씨의 신작 "The Sky Was Beyond Description"(세계초연)과 "After Walking"(샌프란시스코 초연) 등이 연주될 예정입니다.
Wooden Fish Ensemble celebrates the music of Boudewijn Buckinx
70th Birthday Concert
April 12, 2015 (Sunday)
4 PM
Old First Concerts
1751 Sacramento Street, San Francisco, CA 94109 | 415.474.1608
Thomas Schultz, piano
Shoko Hikage, koto & bass koto
The Wooden Fish Ensemble programs the music of the distinguished Belgian composer Boudewijn Buckinx on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Buckinx, who studied with Stockhausen and wrote his PhD dissertation on the music of Cage, has produced a large body of work over five decades and is considered to be one of Europe’s most iconoclastic composers. In the U.S. his music has been the focus of the June in Buffalo festival at The University at Buffalo and has been championed by the pianists Thomas Schultz and Daan Vandewalle. In 2004, Buckinx composed his large scale work for solo piano “The Floating World” (duration 30 minutes) for Thomas Schultz. Schultz, who is a founding member of the Wooden Fish Ensemble, will play this landmark work at the April concert. Also programmed are pieces by Buckinx for koto and percussion, and koto and violin.
Also for this concert, Hyo-shin Na has composed two new works; a work for piano solo (in honor of Boudewijn Buckinx) & a work for koto and bass koto, with both instruments played by one instrumentalist. Na has composed numerous pieces for koto and bass koto separately; the April Wooden Fish concert features this major new work (duration15 minutes) for the two instruments together.
나효신 Hyo-shin Na 羅曉信
웹사이트 www.hyo-shinna.com
페이스북 https://www.facebook.com/HyoshinNa
나효신 제공