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Fremont to open COVID-19 drive-thru testing site

페이지 정보



FREMONT, Calif. (KRON) — The City of Fremont announced it will open a COVID-19 testing site on Friday.

The site will allow people who are sick, first responders and front line health care personnel with recent suspected exposure to the virus to be tested for free.

The testing center will be at the Fremont Fire Tactical Training Center, located at 7200 Stevenson Blvd. It will be open daily from around 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. or until the maximum number of tests available for the day have been given out.

Fremont officials say the site was created to take some of the pressure off of hospital emergency departments, provide faster test results and to increase the community’s ability to slow the spread of the virus.

“Fremont’s new COVID-19 Testing Center is important to our city to ensure that our first responders, public safety personnel and healthcare and essential service workers are protected when they’re on the frontlines serving our community; they need our support,” Mayor Lily Mei said. “We thank the City of Hayward for inviting Fremont to join its team, to better prepare ourselves as we roll out our own testing center. We’re all stronger when community partners come together to work on creating a solution.”

To be able to receive a COVID-19 test, each person will be screened as part of a two-part testing process. They must have a fever over 100 degrees and be symptomatic for COVID-19.

Symptoms include cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest and/or other respiratory symptoms.

A referral from a medical doctor is not required to be screened.

After the screening process is completed, those who meet the testing criteria will be given the actual COVID-19 test which involves swabbing of the nasal cavities and back of the throat.

Testing at the Fremont Fire COVID-19 site will be organized using a drive-thru system and those seeking a test must remain inside their car.

No walk-up tests will be permitted.

First responders and health care workers who are symptomatic for the coronavirus and have a temperature over 100 degrees may schedule a test in advance by calling (510) 789-7231.

The tests are free to the public and available to anyone regardless of where they live or their immigration status.
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작성일2020-04-02 22:36

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