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Santa Clara County updates stay-at-home order

페이지 정보



제일 궁금한것이 외식을 할 수 있는 식당이 어디일까요?

산호세, 산타클라라 지역의 야외가 있는곳을 아시는분 추천 좀 해 주세요~

Bill's Cafe

제가 아는곳은 이렇게 2곳 뿐이네요.


Santa Clara County updates stay-at-home order

SAN JOSE, Calif. (KRON) – Santa Clara County on Friday is easing restrictions and will be opening more stores and businesses.

Also included in the amended stay-at-home order are the resuming of outdoor dining and in-store shopping.

Other activities and resumes that will also be allowed to resume include:

Low-contact services and businesses
Childcare and summer camps
Religious gatherings
Car-based gatherings
Cultural and civic activities
Officials said they are able to ease restrictions due to increased testing capabilities.

Additionally, officials said the infection rate is decreasing, including in communities that were previously at higher-risk of contracting the virus.

Hospitalizations are also relatively low and outbreaks in nursing facilities have been successfully contained, officials said.
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작성일2020-06-05 13:15

충무궁님의 댓글

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상식님의 댓글

각자 보건안전은 각자가... 잘 지키리라 봅니다.

StandandFight님의 댓글

Last content update:  6/4/2020.
UPDATE: The County Shelter-in-Place Order remains in effect, and all persons and businesses in Santa Clara County must comply with the County Order. While the State announced on May 7, 2020 that it is relaxing certain state restrictions, you must comply with the stricter of the two orders.
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