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영화가 보고싶다면 차 안에서 안전하게,, Guide to drive-in movie theaters around Bay Are…

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Guide to drive-in movie theaters around Bay Area in time for summer

SAN JOSE, Calif. -- What's old, is new again. Bay area drive-in movie theaters are booming back to life with people looking for new ways to stay entertained during the coronavirus pandemic.

Here's a roundup of some of the places where you can catch an outdoor movie this summer.

In Pleasanton, you are invited to watch classics from your car at the Alameda County Fairgrounds. The pop-up drive-in will be showing movies through August 1, and each ticketholder will receive general admission to next year's fair. It's $35 per vehicle if you buy a ticket online or $40 when purchased at the event.

Organizers ask that you "please stay in your social bubble and within your parking space."

The West Wind drive-in movie theaters in San Jose and Concord are also offering hit films from years past on massive widescreens.

"The Avengers" and "Jurassic World" will be showing at the West Wind Solano Drive-In and at the West Wind Capitol Drive-In, starting on June 25.

Both locations offer the biggest discounts on Tuesday during "Family Fun Night". You'll pay $5.50 per person, $1.75 for kids ages 5 to 11 years old, and children under 4-years-old are free, according to ticket prices listed on the West Wind drive-in website.

The popcorn's popping in Napa County. Cameo Cinema in St. Helena is hosting a series of drive-in movies, including Wonder Woman, ET, and Jaws.

Cameo Cinema is also offering a bonus for the drive-in, including dinner, treats, and $5 JUMBO popcorn delivered to your car.

On its website, it says "while practicing social distancing, you may select dinner and snacks from Gott's Roadside. Enjoy your dinner and treats at Gott's picnic tables before the movie, or in your car." Guests are encouraged to place their order 24 hours in advance.

On the Peninsula, the drive-in movie craze is taking over the San Mateo County Event Center after the parking lot was recently converted into an outdoor theater. Be sure to check for daily updates on showtimes after the last two two comedies quickly sold out.

"Independence Day," will be shown Saturday, June 26. Tickets are $35 per car, plus there's a perk.

"Purchase of one Drive-In Movie Ticket includes one 2021 General Admission Fair Ticket," says the San Mateo County Fair's website.

There are more than 300 drive-ins currently operating in the U.S., according to the United Drive-in Theater Owners Association.

Unlike traditional movie theaters where moviegoers sit next to one another under an auditorium, drive-in theaters provide an isolated experience perfect for enjoying a movie from the comfort of your vehicle, especially in a time when it's crucial to keep your distance.

Here are West Wind Drive-in Theaters' new rules listed from their website:

People must stay in their cars at all times except to visit the restroom.
You must wear a face covering when leaving your car for any reason.
You may not park your vehicle within 10 feet of another vehicle.
Limited number of people in the restroom at a time except adult with child.
Customers who do not follow these rules will be asked to leave.
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