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LA 확진자 십만명 넘어섬. 미국내 1위 확진자수 카운티가 됨

페이지 정보



L.A. County coronavirus cases surge past 100,000 with record one-day tally


Los Angeles County confirmed 22 additional coronavirus-related deaths and 2,903 new COVID-19 cases Monday, the largest single-day number of new infections the county has reported since the pandemic hit the U.S.

The daily tally brings the total number of coronavirus cases in L.A. County to more than 100,000.

The alarming spike in cases is not just the result of increased testing, county Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer said. The surge is proof that community transmission has “definitively” increased, with the rate of those testing positive for infection nearing 9%. Officials are now warning that 1 in 140 residents are likely unknowingly infected with the virus, a huge increase over last week’s projection of 1 in 400.


In addition, health officials revealed that on June 20 — after Los Angeles County gave the green light for bars, breweries, wineries and similar businesses to reopen — more than 500,000 people visited the county’s newly reopened nightlife spots.

Officials said that 49% of bars and 33% of restaurants in the county were not adhering to social distancing protocols in the last week. Additionally, inspectors found that workers at 54% of bars and 44% of restaurants were not wearing face masks or shields.

“There are a number of businesses and individuals who have not followed the directives, and they’ve gone back to living like COVID-19 is not living in our community,” Ferrer said. “If you’re not part of the solution to slow the spread, you’re ending up being part of the problem.”

There are more than 40,000 restaurants in L.A. County. Of those, Ferrer said that roughly 3,000 have been inspected for COVID-19 protocols. Officials are starting with places that have had past citations, and are trying to reach every part of the county, but the order of inspection is fairly random.

The news follows the state’s order that seven counties — including Los Angeles — must close their bars, while eight others were encouraged to follow suit.
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작성일2020-06-30 18:01

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