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자녀교육 | 대입 에세이, 초중고 과외: UCLA Pre-Med Honor Student!

페이지 정보

성실한 과외




I am offering tutoring services for kids in the 1st-12th grade range!
- ZOOM only for now

    - Example: ACT Reading: $50 per hour for 1 student, $70 per hour for 2 similar level students
    - Example: Elementary Reading: $25 per hour for 1 student, $35 per hour for 2 similar level students

A little bit about me:

I am a UCLA undergraduate Pre-Med student graduating 2023, with 3+ years of tutoring experience. I’m currently completing an Anthropology (B.S) and Global Health Minor I'm an Honors student. My ACT score was 35. I was accepted from all colleges that I applied including Brown, Columbia, UC Berkeley, UCI, UCSD. I’ve participated in a variety of research and volunteer work, and am a co-author of two medical publications. I'm originally from San Francisco, and went to an Arts High School where I specialized in Fashion Design and Costuming. I recently came back from Study Abroad at Yonsei (연세) University (Seoul, Korea), and am back in Los Angeles for the year! I speak Korean and German, love cats, and am always willing to learn something new :-)

Some of the subject areas I specialize in are the following:

ACT & SAT Reading/Writing/Science/English
College prep essay, publication
1-8th Math, Reading/Writing, Essay
General Algebra
I further have ample experience with:

College application essay writing and editing
College application consultations (familiar with the UC application system and CommonApp)

My previous students have gotten into top-tier schools and competitive majors namely: UC Berkeley (Cognitive Science major, accepted with yearly $9,000 scholarship), UCLA (Pre-Psychobiology, accepted with yearly $7,000 scholarship), UC Irvine Honors and full ride, Cognitive science major offered several presidential scholarships, Boston University (Neuroscience, full ride), Vassar University (Biology, full ride).

Please PM me for further information, inquiries, and scheduling!



작성일2022-02-04 13:05

등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

자녀교육 목록
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회
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8632 CYBER KOREAN SCHOOL 인기글 한글 2022-02-07 2349
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