주식 투자에 있어서 질문
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주식쟁이님이 2006-09-10 02:34:15에 쓰신글
>조만간 중장기 투자를 접고 모든 주식을 팔아서 데이 트레이딩 방식으로 바꿀려고 하고 있습니다. 이렇게 할 경우 장단점은 무엇입니까? 물론 리스크가 많겠지만 한번 시도 해 보고 싶어서요. 제가 아는 단점이라고는 리스크가 크고, 트레이딩피가 많이 나가고, 세금을 많이 내야한다는 정도... 하지만 잘만하면 어느정도 벌수 있는 장점이 있는것같은데요. 고수님들의 의견 바랄께요. 감사합니다.
YES! You can make a decent living as a trader. If you are a novice trader, give yourself at least 3-5 yrs. and most of all, be disciplined and educated. Nothing comes easy and free.
contrary to what your friends, relatives, brokers and most of all MEDIA will tell you daytrading does not work is simply not true! Your so called trusted stockbrokers and big brokers such as Goldman Sachs, Lehman Bthrs, AG Edwards, etc, hedge funds and large mutual funds managers trade seconds, minutes, daily make a ton of money utilizing your hard earned capital. They want your average investors to park money in their accounts so that they can pay themselves handsomely salaries and bonuses at the end of year for their vacations and wives' jewelries. In turn, they do a great job of brainwashing your lemming friends and relatives not to trade.
Regarding trading fees, I trade about 300k-500k shares/months, from which I get paid commission as rebates whereas retail traders don't. Also, I pay ordinary income tax for my commissions and profits because I have a securities license thruough my trading firm, a partner of LLC (which is little hard to explain).
Real estate investing or so called flipping is dead for years to come because of FED boys and jealous media will do anything to contain the possible prolonged real estate boom. Securities trading has been going on for hundreds of years and will work fine for many more years to come.
P.S. I'm not making a sales pitch and have nothing to gain posting this message.
>조만간 중장기 투자를 접고 모든 주식을 팔아서 데이 트레이딩 방식으로 바꿀려고 하고 있습니다. 이렇게 할 경우 장단점은 무엇입니까? 물론 리스크가 많겠지만 한번 시도 해 보고 싶어서요. 제가 아는 단점이라고는 리스크가 크고, 트레이딩피가 많이 나가고, 세금을 많이 내야한다는 정도... 하지만 잘만하면 어느정도 벌수 있는 장점이 있는것같은데요. 고수님들의 의견 바랄께요. 감사합니다.
YES! You can make a decent living as a trader. If you are a novice trader, give yourself at least 3-5 yrs. and most of all, be disciplined and educated. Nothing comes easy and free.
contrary to what your friends, relatives, brokers and most of all MEDIA will tell you daytrading does not work is simply not true! Your so called trusted stockbrokers and big brokers such as Goldman Sachs, Lehman Bthrs, AG Edwards, etc, hedge funds and large mutual funds managers trade seconds, minutes, daily make a ton of money utilizing your hard earned capital. They want your average investors to park money in their accounts so that they can pay themselves handsomely salaries and bonuses at the end of year for their vacations and wives' jewelries. In turn, they do a great job of brainwashing your lemming friends and relatives not to trade.
Regarding trading fees, I trade about 300k-500k shares/months, from which I get paid commission as rebates whereas retail traders don't. Also, I pay ordinary income tax for my commissions and profits because I have a securities license thruough my trading firm, a partner of LLC (which is little hard to explain).
Real estate investing or so called flipping is dead for years to come because of FED boys and jealous media will do anything to contain the possible prolonged real estate boom. Securities trading has been going on for hundreds of years and will work fine for many more years to come.
P.S. I'm not making a sales pitch and have nothing to gain posting this message.
작성일2006-09-10 09:40
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