무료 강좌 - 목사 안수학 [캘리포니아 생명의 강 대학교 California River of Life University]
페이지 정보
**-***존경하고 사랑하는 그리스도 안에서 동역자 되신 여러분***-**
산호세 생명의 강 교회와 캘리포니아 생명의 강 대학교를 담당하고 있는 김진환입니다. 요즘 목사 안수가 남발하고 있다는 논란이 있는데 이것은 참 안타까운 일입니다. 그런데 종교개혁자 루터나 칼빈이 캐톨릭의 사제 서품재도를 비판만 하였고 그저 안수하라고 하였을 뿐 목사 안수에 대한 일정한 규칙이나 세세한 규정을 정해주지 않았습니다. 그리하여 각 교단마다 각기 규칙을 정하여 안수를 주다보니 비 성서적인 요소가 함유되기도 하였고, Quaker 를 비롯한 몇몇 교단에서는 목사 안수식 없이 사제로서 사역을 할수 있게 하고 있습니다. 그렇기 때문에 목사 안수에 대한 혼란은 이미 예견된 것이나 마찬가지 였습니다.
그리하여 신약성경 사도행전의 예루살렘 교회의 집사 안수, 안디옥 교회의 바나바와 바울의 안수, 그리고 디모데 전후서를 기반으로 하여 구약시대의 제사장 임명식을 가미하여 안수 규칙을 마련하였습니다. 그리고 우리 신학교 교수들을 중심으로 목사 안수 위원회를 구성하여 소명, 자질, 성경의 권위및 지식, 교회론, 조직신학, 기독교 윤리, 교회분쟁, 상담등을 포함한 9가지 분야에 걸쳐 인터뷰를 한 다음 예수님의 이름으로 그리고 그 아래 우리 신학교의 이름으로 목사 안수를 주기로 하였습니다. 인터뷰가 어려운 것을 감안하여 이번 학기에는 9월 2일부터 목사 안수학을 아래와 같이 개강하기로 하였습니다.
모든 수업은 줌으로 하며 영어로 진행됩니다. 강의를 원하시는 분들은 아래 이멜로 8월 30일 까지 연락을 주시면 줌 ID 와 Password 를 보내 드리겠습니다. 죄송하지만 이미 학생수가 거의 찼기 때문에 자리가 몇분 없음을 알려 드립니다. 김 진환 올림
California River of Life University
Christian Ordination (CO 510) [Fall/2023]
Professor: Jin H. Kim Ph.D.
I. Course Description
Christian Ordination is very important ceremony for the minister. Even though it has a very long history and critical in certain situation it was not developed much compare with other field.
Naturally it developed various ways without centralized rules and regulations. Because of this reason there are some problems such as qualification of ordination, ordination process, and etc.
For these reasons this course is designed to inform and teach about the Christian Ordination – meaning, history, theology, and process of ordination. This course will recognize denominational and cultural differences of qualification and process of ordination.
II. Course Objectives:
I expect that students who completed this course successfully meet these objectives;
[1]. Cognitive Objectives – students can do
a. Describe a general, comprehensive description of the ordination process for Christian ministry;
b. Understand and remember the minimal prerequisite documents – Theological and personal) required of a candidate for vocational Christian ministry.
c. Demonstrate appropriate responses required by a vocational ministry candidate in oral examination.
d. Can serve as a member of Ordination Service council.
[2]. Affective Objective
a. The student will demonstrate a commitment to the thorough and rigorous
examination of individuals desiring to enter into vocational Christian ministry
within the local church and its ministry extensions.
[3]. Behavioral Objectives – The students will be able to
1). Prepare strategically for ordination to which the student has been called
to vocational Christian ministry by the Spirit of God.
2). Defend his/her fulfillment of the criteria for ordination to vocational Christian ministry
III. Class Time
This is intensive zoom class. Only English is allowed in the class.
Time: September 2 – September 16.
We will meet every Saturday 7:00 – 11:00 AM in California Time.
Saturday 5:00 - 9:00 PM in Uganda Time.
Saturday 10:00 PM – 2:00 AM in Singapore Time.
IV. Office Hours
There is no fixed office hour. If you need to meet Dr. Jin Kim please use Email or WhatsApp.
Email: riveroflifeuniversity@gmail.com or cantralafricainlandmission@gmail.com
V. Text Books
Alice R. Cullinan. Sorting It Out: Discerning God’s Call to Ministry.
Valley Forge, PS: Judson Press, 1999.
David Holeton. Equipping the Saints: Ordination in Anglicanism Today.
New York, NY: Columbia University Press, 2007.
Dennis M. Campbell. Yoke of Obedience: The Meaning of Ordination in Methodism.
Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 1997.
Paul F. Bradshaw, The Rites of Ordination: Their History and Theology.
Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2013.
__________________, Ordination Rites of the Ancient Churches of East and West.
Collegeville, MN: The Liturgical Press, 1990.
St. Gregory the Great. The Book of Pastoral Rule. Trans. George E. Demacopoulos
Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2007.
Thomas B. Dozeman. Holiness and Ministry: A Biblical Theology of Ordination.
New Yo0rk, NY: Oxford University Press, 2008.
William Willimon. Pastor: The Theology and Practice of Ordained Ministry.
Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 2002.
IV. Course Requirements and Grade
1]. Reading Assignments
The reading of the text and class note is very important component. I will expect
that students read the texts and class notes before the class.
2]. Research Paper
(1). This course will not have a presentation.
However you will have a questionnaire for oral test – interview.
There are 9 fields including Calling, Theology of God, Bible, the Church,
Christian Ethics, and etc.
Write each question’s answer with at least a half page.
(2). Due Date – September 16/2023
3]. Book Review
Choose any book which I emailed you and write with following format;
(1). First a half page – summarize the book.
(2). Rest of the page - Your own critique
(3). Page limit – at least 2 pages
V. Grading:
1). Class discussion participation – 40%
2). Questionnaire for oral interview – 40%
3). Book Review – 20%
The Grade: A 90 and more, B 81-89, C 71-79, D 61-69
Ordination Questions
California River of Life University Ordination Process
This Questionnaire was made on August 25/2023.
It can be revised and updated. Whenever revised it please record the date.
Jin H. Kim PhD
The candidate will be asked by the moderator to present himself/herself. This will be determined by either a public or private examination. The candidate should be able to use his own answer sheet and biblical texts to support his position on any theological question as requested.
After the chair person’s greetings and announcement of the rules and orders of the interview the council members will start the interview. Because it may take a several hours you may have a break time as the council make the decision.
Unit I
Calling as a Gospel Ministry
[1]. Personal History
Share with us your personal background – your family background (Family of Origin), your educational training, and your work experience.
[2]. Spiritual Experience
a). Testimony of Conversion Experience – Before, met Jesus, and after
b). Have you experienced the filling of the Holy Spirit? What evidences of the fullness of the Spirit do you see in your life?
c). What is the role and place of prayer in your personal life?
d). What time and priority do you give to reading and study of Scripture?
e). What books have you read recently which have developed you spiritually, mentally, and professionally?
f). Tell us about your method of tithing?
[3]. Call to the Ministry
a). Have you ever be called from God?
How and when did you receive His calling for His ministry? How did you answer it?
b). Do you feel called to any particular type of Gospel work?
Pastor, Education Ministry, Biblical Teaching, Youth/Children Ministry, Evangelism, Music, Missions, etc.
c). What is your primary reason for wanting to enter the ministry?
d). In what ways do you believe God has gifted you and equipped you for the ministry of the Gospel?
e). What does Ordination mean to you?
Unit II
The Holy Bible
[1]. What is the Holy Bible
1). Do you believe that the whole Bible is the Word of God?
2). What does it mean the inerrancy of the Bible to you?
3). Do you believe that the Bible has the absolute authority? Could you give some reasons why the Bible is authoritative?
4). Do you believe that the Bible has a higher authority than the church? Or church has higher authority than the Bible?
5). What does it means to you the term “Canon?”
6). Explain why the Apocrypha is not included in the canon?
7). Is the bible a revelation of God, or does God reveal Himself through the Scriptures? Give reasons for your answer.
8). Do you believe there are “Special Revelation” and “General Revelation”? If you believe explain the similarities and/or differences between them.
[2]. Your Knowledge about the Bible – Old Testament
a). How many books are contained in the Old Testament and The New Testament?
b). What is the major theme of the book of Genesis.
c). Describe the major role of Samuel – the end of the judges.
d). What is the remnant theory which was proclaimed by Isaiah? Explain with the bible verses.
e). Explain Ezekiel 1:1-3 – Omnipresence of God.
[3]. Your Knowledge about the Bible – New Testament
a). Name the synoptic gospels. Describe the differences between the four Gospels.
b). Overview of the book of Acts.
.The work of Holy Spirit
.The authority of the Power of the Church
.The ordination of deacons
c). Overview of the Book of Hebrew.
.Why Jewish Christians leave from the church?
.Why Jewish worship is incomplete and our worship is perfect?
c). List seven churches described in the Revelation and the theme of the message given to each of them.
Unit III.
The Theology of God
[1]. Person of God
a). Can you prove God’s existence objectively? .Aquinas' Five Ways .Romans 1:19
b). Give some New Testament definitions of God. (John 4:24; Hebrews 12:29; 1John 1:5, 1John 4:8)
c). What are three attributes of God? Explain each attribute of God.
d). Explain terms: Atheism, Deism, Theism, Pantheism.
e). What is your belief concerning God and Evolution?
[2]. God of Trinity
a). What is God of trinity/Trinity God?
b). What is meant by the terms “Substance” and “Persons” as they relate to the doctrine of the Trinity?
c). What historical positions were taken on the Trinity at the Councils of Nicea, 325 and Constantinople, 381?
d). How do the three persons relate to; Creation? Revelation? Salvation? The Church?
[3]. Person of Son of God
a). Is Jesus Son of God? If that so what does it mean to you?
b). Explain the names of Jesus - Messiah, Lord, Jesus, Son of God, etc
c). How Jesus appeared in the Old Testament? Give some Bible verses and explain them.
d). What is the significance of the Virgin Birth and why is it important?
e). Explain Jesus’ humanity and Deity using Bibles verses.
f). Why should Jesus must be 100% God and 100 human?
g). Where is Jesus today and what is He doing?
[4]. The Person of the Holy Spirit
a). Give some Bible verses to verify that the Holy Spirit is God.
b). How does His identification with the Father and Son suggest His personality?
c). Explain John 16:7 - Paracletos
d). Show some verses in the Old Testament about the Holy Spirit.
e). What is the work of the Holy Spirit as it relates to the physical world?
f). Distinguish the “Gifts of the Spirit” from the “Fruit of the Spirit”
g). Introduce some gifts of the Holy Spirit which were given to the church, and explain their usage in the Church.
Unit IV
The Doctrine of the Salvation
[1]. Man and Sin
a). Explain man and woman were created in the image of God.
b). What was the essence of Adam and Eve’s sin?
c). What where the results of Adam and Eve’s sin?
d). Define the word “Sin”.
e). Explain the “Original Sin”? Do you believe it?
f). What is meant by “total depravity”?
[2]. The Atonement
a). What is the meaning of Atonement?
b). Why the atonement is needed in God’s and human’s point of view?
c). What does the atonement teach us about; .God’s love? .God’s mercy? .God’s justice? .God’s holiness?
e). How do the biblical ideas of “redemption” and “propitiation” relate to the doctrine of atonement?
f). Why Jesus must die to save our lives?
[3]. Righteousness vs Justification
a). Give a definition of justification.
b). On what grounds can God justify an acknowledged sinner?
c). Identify, and discuss, Bible verses which teach the concept of justification.
d). Describe the relationship between justification and New Creation.
[4]. The Work of New Creation (Birth - Born Again)
a). What is the meaning of the term New Creation?
b). Identify some Bible verses which teach about New Creation.
c). Where and when New Creation take place? Why is New Creation necessary?
d). Explain the difference, if any, between New Creation and conversion?
[5]. Sanctification
a). What is the meaning of Sanctification?
b). Why does man need sanctification?
c). When does sanctification start and complete?
d). What has sanctification meant in your own life?
e). How do you intend to develop a church of sanctified believers?
Unit V
The Baptism and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
[1]. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit
a). What the Bible teaches about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit?
b). When do we receive the Holy Spirit? Are there any different between New Creation and receive the Holy Spirit?
c). When do we receive the Baptism of Holy Spirit?
d). Do you believe the Baptism of the Fire?
[2]. Healing by the Work of the Holy Spirit
a). Have you had a personal experience of physical healing?
b). How is physical healing related to the atonement? Give one or two Bible verses to support your view.
c). What do you believe concerning physical healing for this day?
d). What procedure should be followed in the ministry of the church to the sick who request prayer for healing?
e). What do you believe concerning the relationship of spiritual gifts to the ministry of healing?
f). Does the Bible teach that everyone will be healed? Why or why not?
g). How is the problem of sin related to the problem of sickness?
h). Would you like to pray for healing for the sick?
Unit VI
Doctrine of Eschatology
[1]. Return of Jesus Christ
a). Do you believe that Jesus will physically return to the earth?
b). How will the Second Coming of Christ differ from the first coming?
c). Explain and distinguish the doctrines of premillennialism, postmillennialism, and Amillennialism?
d). Which position are you in? Why?
e). What will be the purpose of Christ’s return?
[2]. The theory of Rapture
a). Do you believe the rapture? If you believe it when and why it will be happened?
b). Where will the believing Church be at Christ’s return?
c). Explain the White Throne Judgment.
d). Define, and give Scriptural evidence, of the imminence of Christ’s return.
e). Do you know about the Dispensationalist and their view of eschatology?
f). Do you agree with them? If you say “Yes” tell me why? If you say “No” tell me why?
[3]. Theology of Resurrection
a). What is the meaning of death and resurrection?
b). What and why the meaning of death is different between Old Testament and the New testament?
c). What Jesus meant the first death and the second death? (Matt10:28-33)
d). Is it possible for a resurrection to occur without a physical body?
d). Who will be resurrected according to the Bible?
e). Explain the “First Resurrection” and the “Second Resurrection” (Rev. 20)
f). Brief explanation of Apostle Paul’s Resurrection theory in 1Cor 15.
[4]. Theology of the Hell
a). Explain the existence of the Hell. How does it look like and who will be sent there?
b). What is the destiny of those who die without ever hearing the Gospel?
c). What do you understand the Bible to teach concerning heaven?
d). What is different between the Heaven and the Kingdom of God?
Unit VII
The Doctrine of the Church
[1]. Definition of the Church
a). Where the word “Church” comes from and the original meaning?
b). Explain the terms “universal” and “local” as it relates to the Church.
c). Explain the birth of the Church - Where? When? Who? Etc.?
d). Give explain Metaphors of the Church in the relationship with Christ.
.Bride of Christ
.Body of Christ
.Head of the Church
[2]. Function of the Church
a). What is the first purpose of establishing the Church?
b). What is the first commission (duty) of the church?
c). Detail explain of two ordinances of the Church;
.Baptism – Origin and history (Didake), Emmersed or Sprinkled?
.Lord’s Supper – Origin and history. Open or closed Communion?
d). What is your view of Worship?
What is your view of Edification?
e). What is the biblical procedure for church discipline?
f). Explain what is the function of the pastor in the church?
g). Do you believe 5 folds of the ministry in Ephesians 4:11?
Explain the five roles that God has called Christians to fill.
1) apostles, 2) prophets, 3) evangelists, 4) pastors, and 5) teachers.
[3]. Church and Community
a). Is the church belonged to the community or not?
b). Should the church involve the community issues including
the city plan, addiction issues, and helping the poor neighbor, etc.
[4]. Church Growth
a). Do you know about 4 dimensions of the Church? (Ephesians 4:15-16)
Explain four critical elements:
.Connect .Worship .Grow .Serve
b). Do you have good ideas and plan for the Church Growth?
If you have can you explain?
Christian Ethics
[1]. Woman in the Church
a). Do you believe that God gives a spiritual gift to the man and woman equally?
Are you so are you willing to use their spiritual gifts and serve the church to their fullest potential?
b). Do you believe that God call the woman as a pastor? If you say “yes”, please explain why using Bible verses.
c). How do you interpret the personal pronouns “she” in 1Timothy 3:11? Deacon’s wife or woman?
[2]. Divorce
a). What is the position about the divorce?
How can you teach “I hate divorce,' says the Lord God of Israel." in Mal 2:16?
b). Would you perform the marriage ceremony for a couple where one or the other had been divorced and the former partner is still living?
c). Would you allow a divorced, or someone married to a divorced person, to serve as a church leader?
d). Can you ordain divorced man/woman as a pastor?
[3]. Abortion
a). What is your position on the issue of abortion?
b). There are some critical situation such as life threaten of the mother/baby, rape, etc. How would you deal with these critical situations?
[4]. Ethical and Moral Issues
a). Some part of the earth still practice the polygamy. State your position on polygamy with the Bible verses.
b). State your personal position on homosexuality with the Bible verses.
c). State your personal position on euthanasia with the Bible verses.
d). If you aware of racist tendencies in your church, what steps would you look at taking as an appropriate response?
e). What is your personal position on social drinking of alcohol?
f). What is your view in regard to gambling?
Unit IX
Pastoral Ministry
[1]. Pastor’s Leadership
a). What are important qualities that characterize your relationship, attitude, and conduct towards your congregation as their pastor?
(1 Tim. 3:1-6; 4:12; 6:11; 2 Cor. 6:4-6; 1 Thess. 2:1-12; 1 Pet. 5:1-4).
b). How would you describe your leadership style and your ability to get along with people?
c). State the characteristics of the servant leadership of Jesus, and how to practice in your ministry..
[2]. Church Conflict Management
a). How do you see the relationship between the pastor and the church leaders?
b). How would you respond to a church member(s) whose ideas and convictions as to the direction of the church differ from yours?
c). How do you deal with criticism from your own church member? Or a board/committee member?
d). In dealing with refractory members of your church, what should be your attitude toward them?
e). What steps would you follow in handling a situation where church discipline of a member of your congregation is clearly in order?
[3]. Personal and Mass Evangelism
a). Do you share the Gospel to the people habitually?
b). What method of evangelism or evangelistic tool do you use?
c). What is your strategies to share the Gospel to; the other religious group and to the Christian heresy group?
d). How many people have you personally led to the Lord in the past year?
[4]. Ministry Experience
a). What kind of ministry experiences would you like to have?
b). What are your goals in ministry?
c). What do you see as your spiritual gift/gifts?
d). What are areas of weakness in your ministry?
e). Have you ever taken specific actions to strengthen these weaknesses?
f). What do you see as the strengths of your ministry?
f). Are you a Task-orientated person or a People oriented person? Do you consider that as a strength or a weakness?
g). Do you see yourself as a perfectionist? If you say “yes” how does that impact your ministry?
h). Describe one of your most discouraging times in ministry, and how did you deal with discouragement?
i). Which would you call yourself: 1) a peacemaker? 2) a confronter?
j). Have you ever been struggling with anger? How did you deal with it?
k). Have you ever dealt with forgiveness and reconciliation with your past?
[5]. Marriage and Family
a). How would you describe the atmosphere of your home and your relationship with your spouse?
b). How would you describe your relationship with your children and where your children are at spiritually?
c). What priority do your spouse and children have in your life?
d). What do you do to help nurture your relationship with your spouse and your relationship with your children?
e). What is your spouse’s role in ministry?
f). What expectations does your church have of spouse?
g). Do you seek your spouse’s input, ideas, suggestions and opinions when you make a decisions? How do you respond if your spouse offers correction or criticism?
산호세 생명의 강 교회와 캘리포니아 생명의 강 대학교를 담당하고 있는 김진환입니다. 요즘 목사 안수가 남발하고 있다는 논란이 있는데 이것은 참 안타까운 일입니다. 그런데 종교개혁자 루터나 칼빈이 캐톨릭의 사제 서품재도를 비판만 하였고 그저 안수하라고 하였을 뿐 목사 안수에 대한 일정한 규칙이나 세세한 규정을 정해주지 않았습니다. 그리하여 각 교단마다 각기 규칙을 정하여 안수를 주다보니 비 성서적인 요소가 함유되기도 하였고, Quaker 를 비롯한 몇몇 교단에서는 목사 안수식 없이 사제로서 사역을 할수 있게 하고 있습니다. 그렇기 때문에 목사 안수에 대한 혼란은 이미 예견된 것이나 마찬가지 였습니다.
그리하여 신약성경 사도행전의 예루살렘 교회의 집사 안수, 안디옥 교회의 바나바와 바울의 안수, 그리고 디모데 전후서를 기반으로 하여 구약시대의 제사장 임명식을 가미하여 안수 규칙을 마련하였습니다. 그리고 우리 신학교 교수들을 중심으로 목사 안수 위원회를 구성하여 소명, 자질, 성경의 권위및 지식, 교회론, 조직신학, 기독교 윤리, 교회분쟁, 상담등을 포함한 9가지 분야에 걸쳐 인터뷰를 한 다음 예수님의 이름으로 그리고 그 아래 우리 신학교의 이름으로 목사 안수를 주기로 하였습니다. 인터뷰가 어려운 것을 감안하여 이번 학기에는 9월 2일부터 목사 안수학을 아래와 같이 개강하기로 하였습니다.
모든 수업은 줌으로 하며 영어로 진행됩니다. 강의를 원하시는 분들은 아래 이멜로 8월 30일 까지 연락을 주시면 줌 ID 와 Password 를 보내 드리겠습니다. 죄송하지만 이미 학생수가 거의 찼기 때문에 자리가 몇분 없음을 알려 드립니다. 김 진환 올림
California River of Life University
Christian Ordination (CO 510) [Fall/2023]
Professor: Jin H. Kim Ph.D.
I. Course Description
Christian Ordination is very important ceremony for the minister. Even though it has a very long history and critical in certain situation it was not developed much compare with other field.
Naturally it developed various ways without centralized rules and regulations. Because of this reason there are some problems such as qualification of ordination, ordination process, and etc.
For these reasons this course is designed to inform and teach about the Christian Ordination – meaning, history, theology, and process of ordination. This course will recognize denominational and cultural differences of qualification and process of ordination.
II. Course Objectives:
I expect that students who completed this course successfully meet these objectives;
[1]. Cognitive Objectives – students can do
a. Describe a general, comprehensive description of the ordination process for Christian ministry;
b. Understand and remember the minimal prerequisite documents – Theological and personal) required of a candidate for vocational Christian ministry.
c. Demonstrate appropriate responses required by a vocational ministry candidate in oral examination.
d. Can serve as a member of Ordination Service council.
[2]. Affective Objective
a. The student will demonstrate a commitment to the thorough and rigorous
examination of individuals desiring to enter into vocational Christian ministry
within the local church and its ministry extensions.
[3]. Behavioral Objectives – The students will be able to
1). Prepare strategically for ordination to which the student has been called
to vocational Christian ministry by the Spirit of God.
2). Defend his/her fulfillment of the criteria for ordination to vocational Christian ministry
III. Class Time
This is intensive zoom class. Only English is allowed in the class.
Time: September 2 – September 16.
We will meet every Saturday 7:00 – 11:00 AM in California Time.
Saturday 5:00 - 9:00 PM in Uganda Time.
Saturday 10:00 PM – 2:00 AM in Singapore Time.
IV. Office Hours
There is no fixed office hour. If you need to meet Dr. Jin Kim please use Email or WhatsApp.
Email: riveroflifeuniversity@gmail.com or cantralafricainlandmission@gmail.com
V. Text Books
Alice R. Cullinan. Sorting It Out: Discerning God’s Call to Ministry.
Valley Forge, PS: Judson Press, 1999.
David Holeton. Equipping the Saints: Ordination in Anglicanism Today.
New York, NY: Columbia University Press, 2007.
Dennis M. Campbell. Yoke of Obedience: The Meaning of Ordination in Methodism.
Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 1997.
Paul F. Bradshaw, The Rites of Ordination: Their History and Theology.
Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2013.
__________________, Ordination Rites of the Ancient Churches of East and West.
Collegeville, MN: The Liturgical Press, 1990.
St. Gregory the Great. The Book of Pastoral Rule. Trans. George E. Demacopoulos
Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2007.
Thomas B. Dozeman. Holiness and Ministry: A Biblical Theology of Ordination.
New Yo0rk, NY: Oxford University Press, 2008.
William Willimon. Pastor: The Theology and Practice of Ordained Ministry.
Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 2002.
IV. Course Requirements and Grade
1]. Reading Assignments
The reading of the text and class note is very important component. I will expect
that students read the texts and class notes before the class.
2]. Research Paper
(1). This course will not have a presentation.
However you will have a questionnaire for oral test – interview.
There are 9 fields including Calling, Theology of God, Bible, the Church,
Christian Ethics, and etc.
Write each question’s answer with at least a half page.
(2). Due Date – September 16/2023
3]. Book Review
Choose any book which I emailed you and write with following format;
(1). First a half page – summarize the book.
(2). Rest of the page - Your own critique
(3). Page limit – at least 2 pages
V. Grading:
1). Class discussion participation – 40%
2). Questionnaire for oral interview – 40%
3). Book Review – 20%
The Grade: A 90 and more, B 81-89, C 71-79, D 61-69
Ordination Questions
California River of Life University Ordination Process
This Questionnaire was made on August 25/2023.
It can be revised and updated. Whenever revised it please record the date.
Jin H. Kim PhD
The candidate will be asked by the moderator to present himself/herself. This will be determined by either a public or private examination. The candidate should be able to use his own answer sheet and biblical texts to support his position on any theological question as requested.
After the chair person’s greetings and announcement of the rules and orders of the interview the council members will start the interview. Because it may take a several hours you may have a break time as the council make the decision.
Unit I
Calling as a Gospel Ministry
[1]. Personal History
Share with us your personal background – your family background (Family of Origin), your educational training, and your work experience.
[2]. Spiritual Experience
a). Testimony of Conversion Experience – Before, met Jesus, and after
b). Have you experienced the filling of the Holy Spirit? What evidences of the fullness of the Spirit do you see in your life?
c). What is the role and place of prayer in your personal life?
d). What time and priority do you give to reading and study of Scripture?
e). What books have you read recently which have developed you spiritually, mentally, and professionally?
f). Tell us about your method of tithing?
[3]. Call to the Ministry
a). Have you ever be called from God?
How and when did you receive His calling for His ministry? How did you answer it?
b). Do you feel called to any particular type of Gospel work?
Pastor, Education Ministry, Biblical Teaching, Youth/Children Ministry, Evangelism, Music, Missions, etc.
c). What is your primary reason for wanting to enter the ministry?
d). In what ways do you believe God has gifted you and equipped you for the ministry of the Gospel?
e). What does Ordination mean to you?
Unit II
The Holy Bible
[1]. What is the Holy Bible
1). Do you believe that the whole Bible is the Word of God?
2). What does it mean the inerrancy of the Bible to you?
3). Do you believe that the Bible has the absolute authority? Could you give some reasons why the Bible is authoritative?
4). Do you believe that the Bible has a higher authority than the church? Or church has higher authority than the Bible?
5). What does it means to you the term “Canon?”
6). Explain why the Apocrypha is not included in the canon?
7). Is the bible a revelation of God, or does God reveal Himself through the Scriptures? Give reasons for your answer.
8). Do you believe there are “Special Revelation” and “General Revelation”? If you believe explain the similarities and/or differences between them.
[2]. Your Knowledge about the Bible – Old Testament
a). How many books are contained in the Old Testament and The New Testament?
b). What is the major theme of the book of Genesis.
c). Describe the major role of Samuel – the end of the judges.
d). What is the remnant theory which was proclaimed by Isaiah? Explain with the bible verses.
e). Explain Ezekiel 1:1-3 – Omnipresence of God.
[3]. Your Knowledge about the Bible – New Testament
a). Name the synoptic gospels. Describe the differences between the four Gospels.
b). Overview of the book of Acts.
.The work of Holy Spirit
.The authority of the Power of the Church
.The ordination of deacons
c). Overview of the Book of Hebrew.
.Why Jewish Christians leave from the church?
.Why Jewish worship is incomplete and our worship is perfect?
c). List seven churches described in the Revelation and the theme of the message given to each of them.
Unit III.
The Theology of God
[1]. Person of God
a). Can you prove God’s existence objectively? .Aquinas' Five Ways .Romans 1:19
b). Give some New Testament definitions of God. (John 4:24; Hebrews 12:29; 1John 1:5, 1John 4:8)
c). What are three attributes of God? Explain each attribute of God.
d). Explain terms: Atheism, Deism, Theism, Pantheism.
e). What is your belief concerning God and Evolution?
[2]. God of Trinity
a). What is God of trinity/Trinity God?
b). What is meant by the terms “Substance” and “Persons” as they relate to the doctrine of the Trinity?
c). What historical positions were taken on the Trinity at the Councils of Nicea, 325 and Constantinople, 381?
d). How do the three persons relate to; Creation? Revelation? Salvation? The Church?
[3]. Person of Son of God
a). Is Jesus Son of God? If that so what does it mean to you?
b). Explain the names of Jesus - Messiah, Lord, Jesus, Son of God, etc
c). How Jesus appeared in the Old Testament? Give some Bible verses and explain them.
d). What is the significance of the Virgin Birth and why is it important?
e). Explain Jesus’ humanity and Deity using Bibles verses.
f). Why should Jesus must be 100% God and 100 human?
g). Where is Jesus today and what is He doing?
[4]. The Person of the Holy Spirit
a). Give some Bible verses to verify that the Holy Spirit is God.
b). How does His identification with the Father and Son suggest His personality?
c). Explain John 16:7 - Paracletos
d). Show some verses in the Old Testament about the Holy Spirit.
e). What is the work of the Holy Spirit as it relates to the physical world?
f). Distinguish the “Gifts of the Spirit” from the “Fruit of the Spirit”
g). Introduce some gifts of the Holy Spirit which were given to the church, and explain their usage in the Church.
Unit IV
The Doctrine of the Salvation
[1]. Man and Sin
a). Explain man and woman were created in the image of God.
b). What was the essence of Adam and Eve’s sin?
c). What where the results of Adam and Eve’s sin?
d). Define the word “Sin”.
e). Explain the “Original Sin”? Do you believe it?
f). What is meant by “total depravity”?
[2]. The Atonement
a). What is the meaning of Atonement?
b). Why the atonement is needed in God’s and human’s point of view?
c). What does the atonement teach us about; .God’s love? .God’s mercy? .God’s justice? .God’s holiness?
e). How do the biblical ideas of “redemption” and “propitiation” relate to the doctrine of atonement?
f). Why Jesus must die to save our lives?
[3]. Righteousness vs Justification
a). Give a definition of justification.
b). On what grounds can God justify an acknowledged sinner?
c). Identify, and discuss, Bible verses which teach the concept of justification.
d). Describe the relationship between justification and New Creation.
[4]. The Work of New Creation (Birth - Born Again)
a). What is the meaning of the term New Creation?
b). Identify some Bible verses which teach about New Creation.
c). Where and when New Creation take place? Why is New Creation necessary?
d). Explain the difference, if any, between New Creation and conversion?
[5]. Sanctification
a). What is the meaning of Sanctification?
b). Why does man need sanctification?
c). When does sanctification start and complete?
d). What has sanctification meant in your own life?
e). How do you intend to develop a church of sanctified believers?
Unit V
The Baptism and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
[1]. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit
a). What the Bible teaches about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit?
b). When do we receive the Holy Spirit? Are there any different between New Creation and receive the Holy Spirit?
c). When do we receive the Baptism of Holy Spirit?
d). Do you believe the Baptism of the Fire?
[2]. Healing by the Work of the Holy Spirit
a). Have you had a personal experience of physical healing?
b). How is physical healing related to the atonement? Give one or two Bible verses to support your view.
c). What do you believe concerning physical healing for this day?
d). What procedure should be followed in the ministry of the church to the sick who request prayer for healing?
e). What do you believe concerning the relationship of spiritual gifts to the ministry of healing?
f). Does the Bible teach that everyone will be healed? Why or why not?
g). How is the problem of sin related to the problem of sickness?
h). Would you like to pray for healing for the sick?
Unit VI
Doctrine of Eschatology
[1]. Return of Jesus Christ
a). Do you believe that Jesus will physically return to the earth?
b). How will the Second Coming of Christ differ from the first coming?
c). Explain and distinguish the doctrines of premillennialism, postmillennialism, and Amillennialism?
d). Which position are you in? Why?
e). What will be the purpose of Christ’s return?
[2]. The theory of Rapture
a). Do you believe the rapture? If you believe it when and why it will be happened?
b). Where will the believing Church be at Christ’s return?
c). Explain the White Throne Judgment.
d). Define, and give Scriptural evidence, of the imminence of Christ’s return.
e). Do you know about the Dispensationalist and their view of eschatology?
f). Do you agree with them? If you say “Yes” tell me why? If you say “No” tell me why?
[3]. Theology of Resurrection
a). What is the meaning of death and resurrection?
b). What and why the meaning of death is different between Old Testament and the New testament?
c). What Jesus meant the first death and the second death? (Matt10:28-33)
d). Is it possible for a resurrection to occur without a physical body?
d). Who will be resurrected according to the Bible?
e). Explain the “First Resurrection” and the “Second Resurrection” (Rev. 20)
f). Brief explanation of Apostle Paul’s Resurrection theory in 1Cor 15.
[4]. Theology of the Hell
a). Explain the existence of the Hell. How does it look like and who will be sent there?
b). What is the destiny of those who die without ever hearing the Gospel?
c). What do you understand the Bible to teach concerning heaven?
d). What is different between the Heaven and the Kingdom of God?
Unit VII
The Doctrine of the Church
[1]. Definition of the Church
a). Where the word “Church” comes from and the original meaning?
b). Explain the terms “universal” and “local” as it relates to the Church.
c). Explain the birth of the Church - Where? When? Who? Etc.?
d). Give explain Metaphors of the Church in the relationship with Christ.
.Bride of Christ
.Body of Christ
.Head of the Church
[2]. Function of the Church
a). What is the first purpose of establishing the Church?
b). What is the first commission (duty) of the church?
c). Detail explain of two ordinances of the Church;
.Baptism – Origin and history (Didake), Emmersed or Sprinkled?
.Lord’s Supper – Origin and history. Open or closed Communion?
d). What is your view of Worship?
What is your view of Edification?
e). What is the biblical procedure for church discipline?
f). Explain what is the function of the pastor in the church?
g). Do you believe 5 folds of the ministry in Ephesians 4:11?
Explain the five roles that God has called Christians to fill.
1) apostles, 2) prophets, 3) evangelists, 4) pastors, and 5) teachers.
[3]. Church and Community
a). Is the church belonged to the community or not?
b). Should the church involve the community issues including
the city plan, addiction issues, and helping the poor neighbor, etc.
[4]. Church Growth
a). Do you know about 4 dimensions of the Church? (Ephesians 4:15-16)
Explain four critical elements:
.Connect .Worship .Grow .Serve
b). Do you have good ideas and plan for the Church Growth?
If you have can you explain?
Christian Ethics
[1]. Woman in the Church
a). Do you believe that God gives a spiritual gift to the man and woman equally?
Are you so are you willing to use their spiritual gifts and serve the church to their fullest potential?
b). Do you believe that God call the woman as a pastor? If you say “yes”, please explain why using Bible verses.
c). How do you interpret the personal pronouns “she” in 1Timothy 3:11? Deacon’s wife or woman?
[2]. Divorce
a). What is the position about the divorce?
How can you teach “I hate divorce,' says the Lord God of Israel." in Mal 2:16?
b). Would you perform the marriage ceremony for a couple where one or the other had been divorced and the former partner is still living?
c). Would you allow a divorced, or someone married to a divorced person, to serve as a church leader?
d). Can you ordain divorced man/woman as a pastor?
[3]. Abortion
a). What is your position on the issue of abortion?
b). There are some critical situation such as life threaten of the mother/baby, rape, etc. How would you deal with these critical situations?
[4]. Ethical and Moral Issues
a). Some part of the earth still practice the polygamy. State your position on polygamy with the Bible verses.
b). State your personal position on homosexuality with the Bible verses.
c). State your personal position on euthanasia with the Bible verses.
d). If you aware of racist tendencies in your church, what steps would you look at taking as an appropriate response?
e). What is your personal position on social drinking of alcohol?
f). What is your view in regard to gambling?
Unit IX
Pastoral Ministry
[1]. Pastor’s Leadership
a). What are important qualities that characterize your relationship, attitude, and conduct towards your congregation as their pastor?
(1 Tim. 3:1-6; 4:12; 6:11; 2 Cor. 6:4-6; 1 Thess. 2:1-12; 1 Pet. 5:1-4).
b). How would you describe your leadership style and your ability to get along with people?
c). State the characteristics of the servant leadership of Jesus, and how to practice in your ministry..
[2]. Church Conflict Management
a). How do you see the relationship between the pastor and the church leaders?
b). How would you respond to a church member(s) whose ideas and convictions as to the direction of the church differ from yours?
c). How do you deal with criticism from your own church member? Or a board/committee member?
d). In dealing with refractory members of your church, what should be your attitude toward them?
e). What steps would you follow in handling a situation where church discipline of a member of your congregation is clearly in order?
[3]. Personal and Mass Evangelism
a). Do you share the Gospel to the people habitually?
b). What method of evangelism or evangelistic tool do you use?
c). What is your strategies to share the Gospel to; the other religious group and to the Christian heresy group?
d). How many people have you personally led to the Lord in the past year?
[4]. Ministry Experience
a). What kind of ministry experiences would you like to have?
b). What are your goals in ministry?
c). What do you see as your spiritual gift/gifts?
d). What are areas of weakness in your ministry?
e). Have you ever taken specific actions to strengthen these weaknesses?
f). What do you see as the strengths of your ministry?
f). Are you a Task-orientated person or a People oriented person? Do you consider that as a strength or a weakness?
g). Do you see yourself as a perfectionist? If you say “yes” how does that impact your ministry?
h). Describe one of your most discouraging times in ministry, and how did you deal with discouragement?
i). Which would you call yourself: 1) a peacemaker? 2) a confronter?
j). Have you ever been struggling with anger? How did you deal with it?
k). Have you ever dealt with forgiveness and reconciliation with your past?
[5]. Marriage and Family
a). How would you describe the atmosphere of your home and your relationship with your spouse?
b). How would you describe your relationship with your children and where your children are at spiritually?
c). What priority do your spouse and children have in your life?
d). What do you do to help nurture your relationship with your spouse and your relationship with your children?
e). What is your spouse’s role in ministry?
f). What expectations does your church have of spouse?
g). Do you seek your spouse’s input, ideas, suggestions and opinions when you make a decisions? How do you respond if your spouse offers correction or criticism?
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