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UC 버클리 대학 “동양인 혐오는 정상” SNS 올렸다 사과

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UC 버클리 “동양인 혐오는 정상” SNS 올렸다 사과

바이러스만큼 위험한 인종차별 분위기가 전세계에 퍼지고 있습니다.

미국의 명문대 UC 버클리대가 신종 코로나 바이러스 때문에 '동양인을 피하고 싶은 것'이 정상이라고 안내했습니다.

동양인이라 화나는 말이 아니라, 보편적으로 봐도 잘못된 발언이죠.

윤수민 특파원이 보도합니다.

동양인 승객을 태운 택시 기사가, 자켓 지퍼를 코까지 끌어올린 채 운전하는 영상입니다.

미국에서 확진 판정을 받은 중국인 남성이, 호출 택시 우버를 탔던 사실이 알려지자 동양인 기피 분위기가 확산되고 있습니다.

SNS에는 쓰레기를 치우는 동양인에게 욕설을 하는 사람,

"그런 쓰레기 더미에 있으니까 코로나 바이러스에 걸리지."

동양인 점원이 있는 계산대만 텅 빈 마트 모습도 올라왔습니다.

이런 분위기 속에서 개강을 맞은 미국 대학가는 뒤숭숭한 분위기입니다.

[미미 딜리서 / 미국 학생]
"사람들이 세균을 퍼뜨리고 있는데 우리가 같은 학교에 있고, 누구나 코로나 바이러스에 걸릴 수 있다는 사실은 섬뜩하죠."

[윤수민 기자]
"이 곳 UC 버클리 대학교에서는 코로나 바이러스에 대해 안내하면서 공포와 두려움, 동양인 혐오는 정상적인 반응이라고 설명했는데요. 동양인 학생들의 반발이 커지자 결국 사과했습니다."

동양인 비율이 높은 유명 대학조차 차별 논란을 빚으면서, 유학생들은 씁쓸한 표정을 감추지 못합니다.

[마이클 유 / 중국인 이민 2세]
"저는 코로나바이러스가 이민자들이 아닌 중국 본토에 사는 사람들과 관련된 문제라고 생각해요."

[릴 루안 / 중국인 유학생]
"제 고향 충칭은 바이러스로부터 매우 양호한 상황이고, 제 가족들도 건강합니다."

온라인에선 "나는 바이러스가 아니다"라는 캠페인까지 벌어지는 등, 신종 전염병 확산이 인종 갈등 문제로까지, 번지고 있습니다.

미국 캘리포니아에서 채널A 뉴스 윤수민입니다.

영상취재 : 조영웅(VJ)
영상편집 : 이승근

UC Berkeley health account calls Xenophobia  a 'common reaction' to Coronavirus 

The University of California at Berkeley’s health center is facing backlash after a post on its Instagram account prompted social media users to accuse it of normalizing xenophobia.

Be Well Cal, an account run by the Tang Center, the campus medical service, shared a since-deleted graphic about “managing fears and anxiety around coronavirus.” It listed xenophobia among the “common reactions” to the outbreak.

"Please recognize that experiencing any of these can be normal reactions,” the school wrote in the post, which also included other items such as “social withdrawal” and “anger” on the list.

Image: bewellcal social media posting

The post, which was shared over the weekend, was removed Thursday. However, it had already prompted the backlash from social media users, who pointed out the school was perpetuating misdirected fears.

Christina Lee, an Instagram user who spoke out about the issue, had emailed the health center Thursday morning to explain her concerns. NBC News viewed the response, in which the organization said that it had “apologized, corrected the captions and our messaging around this in other communications on campus has been reworded and does not use the word ‘normal reactions’ or ‘xenophobia.’” The post continued to remain on its Instagram account hours after Lee had emailed the organization.

“We understand how the social post was set-up did not portray what we intended, which was to say that it is harmful and to be careful of stigmatizing others,” the health center’s email to Lee read.

The health center did not return a request for comment, but it shared a statement on its social media accounts.

“We apologize for our recent post on managing anxiety around Coronavirus,” the health center tweeted. “We regret any misunderstanding it may have caused and have updated the language in our materials.”

Though she never attended the school, Lee explained she felt the post was “irresponsible,” particularly as it came from a large institution.

“Xenophobia is not a ‘normal response’ to anything — it’s a learned and racist response — and they’re writing and publicizing this like an official health source. It’s infuriating that they’re using this mask of wellness to ignore their racism,” she said.

Anthony Ocampo, a sociologist who focuses on race, immigration and LGBTQ issues, echoed Lee’s thoughts. While UC Berkeley may have intended to keep its students safe, its messaging was not innocuous and instead “reinforces the ‘otherness’ of Chinese and other Asian folks.’”

“Rather than reframing the coronavirus as a disease affecting human beings, this association of the disease with Chinese people — a diverse population that, by the way, includes over 1.4 billion people — perpetuates the association between immigrants and disease.”

He added that right-wing interests have used the “bogus, unscientific explanation” to advance nationalism, calling the framing a “dangerous precedent.”

So far, more than 9,700 cases of the coronavirus have been reported in China alone and as the illness continues to spread, experts are concerned xenophobia will, as well. Already, conservative radio personality Rush Limbaugh has advocated for the United States to put a “ban on Chinese passengers being permitted into the country.” Conservative pundit Ann Coulter has similarly criticized Congress for failing to ban “travel from China to block the coronavirus that will kill Americans."

Robert Fullilove, a professor of sociomedical sciences at New York’s Columbia University Medical Center, previously said in an email that with more panic comes a greater “temptation to blame the outsider — the other.”

“If anything, I am tempted to predict that xenophobia will rise in significance to precisely the degree to which our sources of information — all of them, not just media — give us stuff to panic about,” he said.

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작성일2020-02-06 08:43

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