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라스베가스 한인 민박이나 에어엔비 이용 시 알아두어야 할 사항들

페이지 정보



라스베가스 한인커뮤니티 사이트에서 떠온 겁니다. http://cafe.daum.net/ilovelasvegas/Q7d9/479
저희도 다음에 이용시 주인에게 예약전 확인해야 겠습니다..
라스베가스가 호텔값이 싸도 저번에 민박 이용해 봤는데 허가증이나 보험 이런거 확인을 해보지 못햇는데
다행이 아무런 사고가 일어나지 않아 다행이네요..

"사이트 https://www.airbnb.com/help/article/906/las-vegas-nv

License requirements
You need a license to offer a short-term rental to guests in Las Vegas. Check the Las Vegas Short-Term Rentals page for more info.

Operational requirements
Las Vegas requires short-term rental hosts to follow a number of operational requirements. Check the Las Vegas Short-Term Rentals page for more information about insurance, zoning, safety, taxes, and more.

Hosts who apply for a business license are required to provide proof of liability insurance coverage with a $500,000 minimum amount.

라스베가스 여행객이 투숙하기전 영업자 소유자로부터 라이센싱과 보험부터 있는지 확인필요.. 만약 주인이 없다고 핑계되거나 하면 불법 영업중임..
이런데 자다가 사고일어나면 아무런 상해보상 못받음.. 왜냐 보험자체가 없다.. 강릉팬션 가스사고로 5명사망 해당 팬션은 불법영업중으로 보험도 없음.. 병원비및 장례식비용은 여행객이 내야하는 현실... 

Las Vegas, NV
It’s important for you to understand your local laws if you want to become an Airbnb host. We provide a platform and marketplace, but we don’t provide legal advice. Even so, we want to share some information to help you understand laws and other rules that relate to short-term rentals in the City of Las Vegas, NV. The information in this article isn’t exhaustive, but it should help you start your research on local laws. If you have questions, you can check the City of Las Vegas Short-Term Rental Licensing page, contact the Las Vegas Planning and Zoning Department, or another local authority, such as a local lawyer or tax professional.

Building and housing standards
The Building and Construction Codes (Title 16 of the Las Vegas Municipal Code) specify minimum construction, design, and maintenance standards for buildings, including regulations on habitability, health, and safety. Certain regulations applicable to residential and non-residential uses may be relevant to your listing. You should consult these codes to see if your listing implicates any of their requirements, or contact the Building and Safety Department directly.

License requirements
You need a license to offer a short-term rental to guests in Las Vegas. Check the Las Vegas Short-Term Rentals page for more info.

Short-Term Rental licenses
As of December 5, 2018, the City of Las Vegas limited short-term rentals to owner-occupied properties and hosts who were already licensed or had a pending application at the time, along with certain requirements.

Check Las Vegas’ short-term rental licensing information and application instructions for up-to-date information.

Operational requirements
Las Vegas requires short-term rental hosts to follow a number of operational requirements. Check the Las Vegas Short-Term Rentals page for more information about insurance, zoning, safety, taxes, and more.

Hosts who apply for a business license are required to provide proof of liability insurance coverage with a $500,000 minimum amount.

Zoning restrictions
Zoning restrictions include a 660-foot density limit between short-term rentals for all single family and multi-family homes. For example, short-term rentals may only be used for dwelling, lodging, or overnight accomodations. Other commercial events that are typically held at banquet facilities, such as weddings, parties, and receptions, are prohibited at short-term rentals.

The City conducts property inspections of short-term rental properties as part of the Conditional Use Verification (CUV) Permit approval process.

The inspector will verify the number of bedrooms in the house and will check for safety requirement compliance. Check the short-term rental application instructions for more information about the inspection process, including a detailed list.

All operators of short-term rentals must make payment of applicable room taxes. Contact the Las Vegas License Office for more information.

Other contracts and rules
As a host, you need to understand and abide by other contracts or rules that bind you, including leases, co-op rules, HOA rules, or other rules established by tenant organizations. You should be able to find out more by contacting your housing authority (such as a community council) or landlord. Your lease (or other contract) might also have specific details.

Our commitment to your community
We are committed to working with local officials to clarify how local rules impact the short-term rental community. We will continue to advocate for changes that will enable people to rent out their homes".
추천 0

작성일2020-02-19 17:10

불꽃님의 댓글

하와이에 다녀오신 분이 얘기하는 것 들었는데 같은 얘기를 하시데요. 허가를 받아야 에어비앤비를 할 수 있다고요.

결론은미친짓이다님의 댓글

우버도 초창기 공항 출입을 금지 당했었는데
택시와의 힘겨루기로 보는 견해가 있었지..
물론 값싼 요금으로 수요가 급증하면서
정부에서 규제를 강화하자 역시 정부는 세금을 거둘 방법을 강구할 생각뿐이라는 원성을 받기도 했지만..
에어비앤비나 우버등의 합법적 사업자 등록이 없이는 사고시 책임의 한계가 있다는 걸 알고 나선 정부의 규제를 적극 지지해 왔었지..
역시 미국은 캐나비스도 합법화시키는 엉클샘의 나라....
- -

지나다가님의 댓글

Air BnB is only allowed within the City of Las Vegas, but prohibited in Unincorporated areas of Clark County which is roughly south of Sahara Ave.

Since 1998, rentals for fewer than 30 days (such as Air BnB) have been forbidden in residential areas of .

Generally, all listings located near the Las Vegas Strip are located in unincorporated Clark County. Therefore, they are illegal, and you should not rent those properties.

Offending homeowners can be fined $1,000 a day. Additionally, there is potential for a misdemeanor charge.

지나다가님의 댓글

Circus Circus 에서 시작, 여기보다 남쪽에 위치한 Wynn, Mirage, Paris, Caesars Palace, Belagio, Aria, Cosmopolitan 등 스트립에 있는 거의 모든 호텔들이 Unincorporated Area of Clark County 입니다
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