* 욕설, 비방, 광고, 도배질 글은 임의로 삭제됩니다.

파킹 티켓

페이지 정보




오클랜드에서 주차를 하는 경우, 참조하세요.

Parking meters, residential permit parking, time-limited parking and street sweeping parking regulations will not be enforced.
As a matter of public sanitation, the City will continue street sweeping efforts, as they represent the single most efficient way to keep streets clean. The City asks for the community’s voluntary assistance to move their cars so that street sweeping equipment can get to the litter and other refuse that needs to be cleaned off Oakland streets.
The City will continue to enforce all other parking regulations in service of public safety and public health, including red curbs and fire hydrants, sidewalk and crosswalk blocking, double-parking and bike lane violations, wheelchair ramp obstruction, and unauthorized use of disabled person parking placards.
Towing will be suspended unless vehicles are blocking access, causing an immediate hazard, or are deemed a public safety concern.
Please note also that the City’s paving and other essential infrastructure construction projects are still ongoing. Clear curbs are necessary for infrastructure work, so we ask that residents keep an eye out for 72-hour no-parking signs related to construction. If curbs are not clear where construction has been noticed, enforcement and vehicle towing could be necessary.
추천 0

작성일2020-03-23 02:40

등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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