* 욕설, 비방, 광고, 도배질 글은 임의로 삭제됩니다.

외출을 못하는 시니어들에게 따뜻한 음식 공급

페이지 정보



산타 클라라 카운티 수퍼바이저 신디 샤베즈 (Cindy Chavez) 가 알려온 소식입니다.

Santa Clara County’s Meals on Wheels program, operated by the Health Trust, is available to provide hot, nutritious meals for homebound seniors. This is one of the lasting legacies of President Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty. More than 50 years after LBJ created the program, it- along with Head Start and many other Great Society initiatives- is still providing critical help to seniors, children and many other parts of our community. Information on how to sign up can be found here.

3180 Newberry Dr., Suite 200
San Jose, CA 95118
(T): 408.513.8700
(F): 408.448.4055

위 링크를 따라가 보면 아래 정보를 찾을 수 있습니다.

요약하면, 밀즈 온 휠즈 프로그램은 외출을 못하는 산타 클라라 카운티 주민을 위한 프로그램입니다. 신청은 408.961.9870 혹은 800.505.3367 로 합니다. 수혜자격이 되면 무료이나 지불이 가능하면 하루 $10씩 받습니다. 저소득 시니어들에겐 보조 프로그램이 있습니다. 해당지역이 만원이면 대기 리스트에 올라갑니다.

To apply for Meals on Wheels, you must be a resident of Santa Clara County who is homebound and has difficulty getting your own meals. In other words, you have a need for home-delivered meals due to a medical condition or isolation. You or a family member or a professional caregiver may apply by calling the Meals on Wheels office at 408.961.9870 or toll-free at 800.505.3367.

Although there is no charge for this service for qualified applicants, we do request that those who can afford it contribute to the cost of the meals, which is $10 per day. Grants and other funding is available for low-income seniors.

If the route you live on is full, you may be placed on a waiting list until space is available.

MOW Application Package (English)
MOW Application (English – Form Only)
MOW Application (Spanish – Form Only)
MOW Application (Tagalog – Form Only)
MOW Application (Vietnamese – Form Only)
Meals on Wheels Client FAQ
Meals on Wheels Volunteer FAQ
MOW Service Agreement
MOW Authorization

(T): 408.961.9870
(F): 408.265.2749
추천 2

작성일2020-03-23 18:33

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