제주비행 외신 "왜 사고가 났을까? 퍽펙트한 상황에서
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외신에서 제주비행사고 조사기사가 나왔네요. CNN에서 초기 분석한게 나왔네요. 사고 원인이 랜딩기어에 있는 언더케리지가 부서졌거나 언더캐리지 작동이 아예 안되었는지 아직 정확하지 않기에, 사고 조사단은 이부분에 제일 중점을 두고 조사해야함이 중요하다고 하네요. 그리고 제주항공이 크래시된게 매우 퍼펙트한 날씨와 기후 조건에 났다는게 매우 의문스럽고 미스테리라고 하네요.... “it is perplexing" "Everything's right but everything went wrong. Why? How can that possibly happen - that everything goes wrong in virtually perfect condition?" 이부분을 좀 생각해보아야 할것 같네요. Crash "perplexing" given Boeing 737-800's strong safety record and "virtually perfect" conditions, analyst says Sunday’s air disaster in South Korea is “very perplexing” given that both the aircraft and carrier have a strong safety record and flying conditions were excellent, an aviation journalist told CNN. The Boeing 737-800 is one of the most widely used aircraft in the world and each one is used for about 4 or 5 flights per day, Geoffrey Thomas, editor of Airline News, told CNN’s Paula Newton. South Korean fire officials have said there may have been a landing gear malfunction and footage showed the aircraft sliding on its belly. “It’s a little bit unclear whether or not the undercarriage collapsed on landing or whether the undercarriage was not deployed at all. This is a really serious issue that obviously investigators will be very much focused on,” Thomas said. He added “it is perplexing” that the Jeju Air flight crashed given it was landing under dry and sunny conditions at a good airport. “Everything’s right but everything went wrong. Why? How can that possibly happen – that everything goes wrong in virtually perfect conditions?” “This is an extraordinary tragedy that’s obviously going to claim many, many lives. And, it’s a miracle that anybody has actually survived this terrible inferno and crash,” he added. |
추천 1
작성일2024-12-29 15:18
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