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California DMV gives seniors 120-day extension on driver license renew…

페이지 정보



SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) – The DMV is now giving drivers ages 70 and up a 120-day extension to renew driver’s licenses that expired from March 1 to May 31 of this year.

This ensures this vulnerable group can avoid a visit to a DMV office during the coronavirus pandemic.

Eligible drivers will receive a paper license extension in the mail beginning in the next two weeks with an expiration date of 120 days.

Around 860,000 seniors visit DMV offices every ear for the required in-person license renewal so this will be a huge help to them during this time when even going to get groceries is a struggle.

Governor Gavin Newsom also signed an executive order waving in-person renewals for eligible drivers ad ID cardholders for the next 60 days.

The agency is also working on programming that would allow some people to complete their renewal online or by mail starting April 8.

The DMV already has services online for those who just need a duplicate license after losing theirs.

Starting today, DMV’s virtual field office will be open online where you can process title transfers and registrations that would usually have to be done in an office.

This will be helpful to drivers and for the DMV so they can close certain locations for cleaning and help everyone be safe.
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작성일2020-04-02 14:50

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