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<속보> 베이지역 6개 카운티 자가격리 5월31일까지 연장

페이지 정보




SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- Mayor London breed is giving the latest COVID-19 update in San Francisco after signing a joint jurisdiction with other Bay Area counties to extend the shelter-in-place order until May 31.

As of Monday afternoon, Breed announced there are 1,424 positive COVID-19 cases in the city, with 23 death and 85 hospitalizations according to the latest city data that can be found here.

The mayor reminded that there is much uncertainty and that San Francisco is "not out of the woods yet."

"There's a lot of uncertainty because we see the numbers go up every day in our city. We also see the number of hospitalizations and they also go up, and the good news we see they have not gone up like other places because you are all doing your part to comply, but the fact is they are still going up," Breed said

Breed said extending the shelter-in-place order until May 31was not an easy decision. In a tweet, she shared, "I know this is not easy and you may be feeling restless. I feel the same way. But what we don't want is to relax restrictions too early, see new cases spike, and have to revert to tougher restrictions again."

The mayor emphasized that public health is the city's priority and has been using data and information from public health experts to guide the next steps regarding COVID-19 restrictions.

"We want to be very careful that we don't take the steps out of frustration, out of concern, we don't move too quickly and repeat mistakes that have been made in our past history," Breed said. About 100 years ago, last time I brought up the Spanish Flu, when we thought the worst had passed us and folks threw off their masks, went into the streets and partied, and had a good time and a few days later, we were even worse off from when we started. We don't want this to happen in our city. This is not an easy thing to do."

Breed mentioned the success in the Safer Streets program and announced that effective Tuesday at 6 a.m. JFK drive in Golden Gate park will be closed off to traffic as long as the shelter-in-place orders are in place. Shelley Drive near Mclaren park will also be closed off.

"I want to be clear after this stay-at-home order has expired, that will no longer be the case, but in the meantime in an effort to provide more space for people to move around and maybe get some exercise and to run and to bike, we wanted to do something to help," Breed said. "We don't want people driving to the park still. We want people walking, walking through the neighborhood, and neighborhood parks, we don't want people setting up picnics or playdates or the things we talked about. We still need you to socially distance yourselves.
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작성일2020-04-27 14:21

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