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WellDerma Sanitizer

페이지 정보



62 vol% of proper ethanol content that's harmless to the human body
WellDerma Clean Hand Sanitizer Gel adheres to the optimum level of ethanol content
of 62 vol% and provides hypoallergenic and excellent sterilization effects.
There is no dryness or irritation, even with frequent applications, due to the moisturizing feel of use. 

It is hygienic with 99.9% sterilization power.
It kills 99.9% of harmful bacteria and viruses that cause various infectious diseases.
Through simple and effective cleansing, daily life activities that can't escape
from germs can be managed in a cleaner condition.

A safe product that received quasi-drug approval
Quasi-drug approval that needs to be checked when purchasing a hand sanitizer
WellDerma's Clean Hand Sanitizer Gel is a safe product that received quasi-drug approval
and it can be used safely by people of all ages and genders

No worry of the hand sanitizer’s capacity frequently used
Hand sanitizer that is often used. Please use it with large capacity of 500ml without worry.
You can use it at any places such as at home, on the desk of office, people frequently visit
places, etc.

Email : aimhighi@pamtekcos.com
Tel : +8210-8726-8886
추천 0

작성일2020-04-02 18:16

한심님의 댓글

비누로 20초이상 손을씻는게 제일 좋은 방법이라고...

Vasari님의 댓글

비누보다 이게 더 낫습니다. 젤 타입으로 알콜농도 62 % 가 맞다면, GEL로서 살균력 농도로서는  최선을 다했다고 봅니다. 62% 함량이면 90% 이상 살균에 대략 10 초 이내로 보면 됩니다. 단 알콜성분 때문에 택배운송이 될른지는 모르겠습니다.

한심님의 댓글

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), alcohol-based hand sanitizers can help reduce the amount of germs and bacteria on your hands, but they do not get rid of all types of bacteria. They may also be less effective if you have dirt, grease or other substances on your hands, so should not be used to replace hand washing.


CDC에서도 알콜은 모든 박테리아를 다 죽이지못하니까
반듯이 비누로 손을 씻으라고....

한심님의 댓글

7 Best Hand Sanitizers


CDC권고대로 비누로 깨끗이 손 씻을것.
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