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PG&E customers to receive climate credit in April

페이지 정보



SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) – If you’re using a little more energy at home in the wake of the stay-at-home orders during the pandemic, PG&E wants to help you out.

The utility company said Thursday that all residential customers will receive the state-mandated California Climate Credit on their bills during the April billing cycle.

The credit totals $62.91 for PG&E residential customers receiving both natural gas and electric service.

Natural gas-only residential customers will receive $27.18.

Electric-only residential customers will receive $35.73.

“During the COVID-19 public health crisis, we know that many of our customers may face uncertainty and financial instability due to school and childcare closures, job loss and other economic impacts. We want customers to be aware that the semi-annual California Climate Credit will help reduce their energy costs this month,” said Laurie Giammona, PG&E Senior Vice President and Chief Customer Officer.

If you are experiencing financial hardships and having trouble paying your bill due to the coronavirus pandemic, PG&E is offering flexible payment plans to support you.

To learn more, visit pge.com/helpmepay.
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작성일2020-04-02 14:45

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