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나파 카운티 베이지역에서 처음으로 식당오픈 학교는 6월1일 오픈

페이지 정보



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While the timing may vary, all schools will be required to ensure proper social distancing when they reopen classrooms. That likely means smaller class sizes. It also means students and staff will have to wear masks, said Thurmond, and schools will need to be sanitized daily, if not multiple times a day.

Many districts are planning to continue distance and online learning in some capacity even after classrooms reopen.

The state won't be requiring school districts to do in-person instruction, online instruction, or a hybrid of the two; that will be up to district leaders.

But in order to teach students effectively in the fall, the superintendent says more funding is desperately needed. The revised May budget released by Gov. Gavin Newsom last week will trigger cuts to education unless there is additional support from the federal government.

"We believe that our school districts cannot reopen safely if they have to implement these kinds of cuts," Thurmond said.

The superintendent has a virtual meeting with all 1,000 school districts Thursday. Representatives from the different school districts will break into smaller focus groups to discuss how they're preparing to teach during the COVID-19 era.

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작성일2020-05-20 12:43

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