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These Bay Area parks and beaches just reopened their parking lots

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These Bay Area parks and beaches just reopened their parking lots

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- As the spread of coronavirus slows, the state is loosening up restrictions - including on its parks.

California shut down 280 parking lots at state parks and beaches during the first few weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic to discourage non-local visitors and overcrowding.

In May, they reopened 27 of those lots. Now, that number has grown to 145.

Here are the lots that have reopened in the greater Bay Area:

Año Nuevo State Park (San Mateo County)

Bean Hollow State Beach (San Mateo County)

Benicia State Recreation Area (Solano County)

Big Basin Redwoods State Park (Santa Cruz County)

Burleigh H. Murray Ranch Park Property (San Mateo County)

Carnegie State Vehicular Recreation Area (Alameda/San Joaquin counties)

Castle Rock State Park (Santa Cruz/Santa Clara/San Mateo counties)

China Camp State Park (Marin County)

Half Moon Bay State Beach (San Mateo County)

Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park (Santa Cruz County)

Montara State Beach (San Mateo County)

Mount Diablo State Park (Contra Costa County)

Olompali State Historic Park (Marin County)

Pacifica State Beach (San Mateo County)

Pescadero State Beach (San Mateo County)

San Gregorio State Beach (San Mateo County)

The Forest of Nisene Marks State Park (Santa Cruz County)

Wilder Ranch State Park (Santa Cruz County)

Many of the reopened parking lots have very limited capacity to avoid overcrowding. Before you head out to any park or beach, check the latest on the state park website.
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작성일2020-06-03 12:10

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