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밸리페어몰, 오크릿지몰 월요일부터 오픈..Valley Fair, Oakridge malls prep re-openings

페이지 정보



밸리페어몰과 오크릿지몰이 월요일부터 오픈을 한답니다
샌프란시스코의 Westfield 도 오픈.

월~토 : 11:am ~ 7pm
일      : noon ~ 6pm

마스크 착용하고, 없는 사람에게는 $3에 판매.


Valley Fair, Oakridge malls prep re-openings

Westfield Valley Fair and Westfield Oakridge plan to open San Jose malls for in-store shopping on Monday

SAN JOSE — Two of the Bay Area’s biggest malls, Westfield Valley Fair and Westfield Oakridge, intend to reopen their doors within days, the shopping centers said Friday, fresh evidence of an economic rebound from months of coronavirus-linked shutdowns ordered by government agencies.

Modified hours for the re-opening of the Valley Fair and Oakridge shopping centers in San Jose are slated to be 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and noon to 6 p.m. on Sunday, according to executives with France-based Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield, the principal owner of the malls.

In-store shopping will be allowed at the two San Jose malls, according to a Westfield Valley Fair representative.

“Westfield is excited to open our doors again to the community as we begin our initial recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Leah Heil, vice president of shopping center management with Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield.

The two shopping centers will open on Monday.

A majority of the stores will be open Monday at both Valley Fair and Oakridge, sources with direct knowledge of the plans for the two malls said. Both malls will have pages on their websites that will provide real-time and frequent updates regarding which stores are open as the hours and days pass.

To assure a safe experience, the two malls will:

— Increase the frequency of cleaning measures with a focus on high-touch areas such as restrooms, play areas, dining areas, and water fountains.

— Monitor and control the number of guests entering the centers and crowds in common areas and places where lines might form.

— Launch and enforce policies related to social distancing, face masks for employees and customers, along with other preventative measures.

— Provide an increased number of hand sanitizer stations.

“We are working closely with county officials and other relevant community groups to ensure a healthy, clean and safe environment for our customers, tenants, and employees,” Heil said.

People will be required to wear masks while visiting the two San Jose shopping centers, said Kate Diefenderfer, director of marketing with Westfield Valley Fair.

“If people forget to bring masks, we will have them available for sale,” Diefenderfer said. “100 percent of the proceeds from the sales of all masks will go to No Kid Hungry.”

Mask prices at the malls will be $3. No Kids Hungry is an organization that’s dedicated to ending child hunger in the United States.

After three months of shutdowns, store and restaurant operators are anxious to widen their economic activity. Plus, shoppers are also anxious to head back to the mall. Westfield’s San Francisco Centre is also opening up again on Monday.

“Everyone is super excited about reopening,” Diefenderfer said.

Merchants have been busy in recent days to get ready for the June 15 re-opening at the malls, executives said.

“Tenants are doing store re-stocking and cleaning, redoing the signs, conducting staff training,” Diefenderfer said. “Everyone is looking forward to this.”
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작성일2020-06-12 16:06

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