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바예호 경찰 샌프란시스코 주민인 션 몬테로사(22) 사살

페이지 정보




화요일 오전 12시 30분 사살.
SF 거주 라티노. 무기 없이 무릎 꿇고 시위하던 중.
15인치 망치를 총기로 오인해 사격.

미국 캘리포니아주 샌프란시스코 베이 지역의 경찰관 한 명이 최근 이어진 야간 폭력시위 현장에서 22세의 남성시위대원에 총격을 가해 살했으며, 이유는 그가 허리에 권총을 차고 있는 것으로 오인한 때문이었다고 3일(현지시간) 현지 경찰서장이 밝혔다.

샌프란시스코 주민인 션 몬테로사(22)는 2일 새벽 0시 30분께 월그린스 스토어 바깥에서 총격을 받아 숨졌다. 목격자들은 당시 현장에서는 여러 명의 약탈범들이 경찰이 도착하는 것을 보고 달아나기 시작할 때였다고 말한 것으로 쇼니 윌리엄스 경찰서장은 말했다.

서장은 “ 피해자는 검은 색 승용차가 있는 쪽으로 뛰어가다가 갑자기 걸음을 멈추고 한쪽 무릎을 꿇은 다음에 두 손을 허리 근처로 가져갔다. 그런데 거기에는 권총 총구처럼 보이는 것이 튀어나와 있었다”고 말했다. 그 순간 순찰차에 타고 있던 경찰관 한 명이 앞유리창을 통해서 몬테로사를 향해 5발을 발사했고, 그 중 한 발이 그에게 맞아 숨지게 되었다고 서장은 설명했다.

하지만 몬테로사가 갖고 있었던 것은 스웨터 주머니에 꽂은 15인치짜리 망치였다고 윌리엄스 서장은 말했다.
“이런 비극은 경찰관이 무력을 사용할 때면 언제나 일어나는 일이라고 말하고 싶다. 희생자의 유족에게 애도를 표한다. 정말 있어서는 안될 어려운 일이다. 경찰관의 의도는 약탈을 막고 필요할 경우 공범들을 체포하는 것이지만, 위협을 느낄 경우에는 거기에 따라서 반응을 할 수 있다”고 그는 주장했다.

The man fatally shot by Vallejo police as the city erupted in chaos Tuesday was kneeling outside a Walgreens and not carrying a firearm when an officer opened fire — sending five bullets through his own windshield.

Sean Monterrosa, 22, of San Francisco died after the shooting at around 12:30 a.m. Tuesday, but police did not tell the public the man was killed — or disclose the circumstances — until Wednesday at a news conference outside City Hall, a day after calling in 50 troops from the National Guard to help control protests and rioting sparked by the Minnesota police killing of George Floyd.

In a Wednesday afternoon news conference, Vallejo Police Chief Shawny Williams said the officer believed he saw the butt of a handgun poking out near Monterrosa’s waist, and opened fire “due to this perceived threat.”

“Investigations later revealed that the weapon was a long, 15-inch hammer, tucked into the pocket of a sweatshirt,” Williams said.

The shooting is under investigation by the Vallejo police and the Solano County district attorney’s office. The officer, an 18-year veteran of the force, has been placed on administrative leave.

The shooting early Tuesday morning occurred as protests, lootings and civil unrest erupted across the country.

The chaos continued in Vallejo into Tuesday evening. City officials said about 100 people and nearly 40 vehicles “surrounded” the police department, and rocks and bottles were thrown at officers.

The killing of Monterrosa, who was Latino, is almost certain to fan the flames of an already outraged community, after activists here say for years they have run up against a police department that has disproportionately targeted people of color and is rarely held accountable for its actions.

“My brother was murdered out here by a cop, too — they got no justice,” said Alicia Saddler, who is the sister of Angel Ramos, and who attended the press conference. “Now this man was on his knees? Unarmed? A hammer is not a weapon.”

For Ramos, whose 21-year-old brother was killed after police responded to a fight at a home, Monterrosa’s death was chillingly familiar.

“He should be here. He should be alive,” she said. “This cop needs to be arrested and taken to jail, period.”

The incidents leading to Monterrosa’s shooting began late Monday evening, when police responded to reports of a looting at a Walgreens on Broadway and Redwood Street, Williams said at the news conference.

Looters initially fled the scene, but about 12:15 a.m. looters had returned and were attempting to break into the building, Williams said. The responding unit reported seeing 10 to 12 potential looters in the parking lot, and police also saw a young man dressed in black, who appeared to be armed, in front of the building, Williams said.

As a police vehicle drove into the parking lot, at least one officer reported potential looters inside two vehicles, a black sedan and a silver truck.

Williams said officers in a second unit saw a single male dressed in black outside the Walgreens, “holding what appeared to be a weapon.”

“This individual appeared to be running toward the black sedan but suddenly stopped, taking a kneeling position, and placing his hands above his waist, revealing what appeared to be the butt of a handgun,” Williams said.

The officer in the second unit opened fire, striking Monterrosa once.

The black sedan rammed one of the police vehicles, Williams said, which set off the airbag.

The two suspect vehicles fled the scene, prompting a chase into Contra Costa County, where the driver of the silver truck was apprehended, Williams said.

One officer was injured when the airbag deployed, Williams said.

Civil rights attorney John Burris, who is representing Monterrosa’s family, said he was “troubled” by the shooting.

“Notwithstanding what he’s accused of doing, you don’t kill people because they’re looters,” he said.

Burris said he’s awaiting more information on the case, including police body camera footage of the incident.
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작성일2020-06-03 18:35

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