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Coronavirus: San Francisco, Alameda counties modify stay-at-home order…

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소셜버블 : 가족이 아닌 사람들은 12명 이내에서 만남을 가질 수 있다? 그리고 가능한 야외에서.

어쨌거나 이제는 날도 좋아지니 야외에서 바베큐도 하고 친구들과 만날 수 있겠네요.
우선은 샌프란시스코와 알라메다 카운티이지만 그래도 반가운 소식입니다.


Coronavirus: San Francisco, Alameda counties modify stay-at-home order to allow 'social bubbles'

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- Extroverts rejoice! Alameda County and San Francisco are relaxing their stay-at-home orders to allow for "social bubbles."

To limit the potential spread of COVID-19, "social bubbles" are defined of 12 people or fewer from different households. You should only be in one social bubble at a time. (Being in multiple bubbles sort of defeats the whole purpose of a bubble, doesn't it?)

These "social bubble" gatherings should occur outdoors, as it's believed there is a lower risk of transmitting the coronavirus outdoors.

These groups should remain stable for a period of three weeks before making any changes.

You're also still highly encouraged to practice social distancing and wear a face mask to reduce the risk of contracting the virus even further.

"Connecting with friends and family is one of the ways we will get through this health crisis together, but we have to be smart and vigilant," said Mayor London Breed in a press release.

The Alameda County modifications go into effect on Monday, June 8.

The rules also apply to the city of Berkeley, which has its own public health department, but worked with Alameda County on these changes.

"Residents can expect that outdoor museums, outdoor restaurant dining, religious services, and additional outdoor activities (like outdoor fitness classes) will resume in phases in upcoming relaxations to the shelter-in-place restrictions," the county added in a press release.

The relaxed shelter-in-place restrictions come with stricter mask requirements: Residents will have to wear a face covering anytime they're outside, even when exercising, and within 30 feet of other people.

Also starting Monday in Alameda County, childcare facilities can open to all children (not just those of essential workers), libraries can open for curbside pickup, and businesses like pet grooming or appliance repair can resume operations with little person-to-person contact.
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작성일2020-06-07 17:52

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