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Alarming spike in coronavirus sparks fears California is 'starting to lose this battle'
“We’re showing the first signs of starting to lose this battle against COVID-19,” Dr. Robert Levin, the Ventura County health officer, said. “It worries me. And it should worry you.”
On Monday, California reported its largest single-day case count since the pandemic hit.
Yesterday, it broke that record with 6,652 new coronavirus cases
California reported an additional 7,149 Covid-19 cases since Tuesday, a 69% increase in two days, bringing the state’s total to 190,222 cases, according to the state’s health department.
“We’re showing the first signs of starting to lose this battle against COVID-19,” Dr. Robert Levin, the Ventura County health officer, said. “It worries me. And it should worry you.”
On Monday, California reported its largest single-day case count since the pandemic hit.
Yesterday, it broke that record with 6,652 new coronavirus cases
California reported an additional 7,149 Covid-19 cases since Tuesday, a 69% increase in two days, bringing the state’s total to 190,222 cases, according to the state’s health department.
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작성일2020-06-24 22:33
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