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전 가브네이터, 마스크착용 찬성 발언.You’re an ‘absolute moron’ if you politicize face…

페이지 정보



전 주지사 아놀드 슈왈츠제너가가 뉴섬 주시사의 마스크착용 의무화 명령에 옳은 일이라 해주고, 마스크 착용을 정치적으로 이용하지 말라하니,

이렇게 영향력을 주는 많은 사람들이 마스크 착용을 독려하면 좋겠습니다.


You’re an ‘absolute moron’ if you politicize face masks, Arnold Schwarzenegger says

SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) – Former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is criticizing those who don’t want to comply with Gov. Gavin Newsom’s new order requiring Californians wear face masks in most public settings.

Schwarzenegger tweeted Thursday it is “100% the right move.”

“This will help us beat this terrible virus. The science is unanimous – if we all wear masks, we slow down the spread and can reopen safely,” he added. “It’s not a political issue. Anyone making it a political issue is an absolute moron who can’t read.”


This is 100% the right move. This will help us beat this terrible virus. The science is unanimous - if we all wear masks, we slow down the spread and can reopen safely. It’s not a political issue. Anyone making it a political issue is an absolute moron who can’t read. https://twitter.com/gavinnewsom/status/1273696999066353664

Gavin Newsom

NEW: Californians are now REQUIRED to wear face coverings in public spaces.

Together -- we can slow the spread.

Do your part. Wear a mask.

LEARN MORE: http://covid19.ca.gov

The face mask mandate requires Californians to wear face coverings in most public places in an effort to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

That includes inside any indoor public place, riding on public transportation, and while outdoors in any public setting.

People are still advised to practice social distancing and keep up with proper hand hygiene.
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작성일2020-06-19 12:30

상식님의 댓글

갸브네이터? ㅍㅎㅎㅎㅎ
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