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시카고 살인율 기록깼음 하루에 18명 사망, 85명 총상

페이지 정보



85 people were shot. 18 people killed in 24 hours 라네요. 전국도 아니고 한 주도 아니고 한 도시에서만 하루에 18 명 살해 당하고 85 명 총에 맞고 ㅠ

Chicago sees its deadliest day in 60 years with 18 murders in 24 hours: report


Bloody Chicago recorded 18 murders on May 31, making it the city’s deadliest day in 60 years.
The dubious milestone was reached on a day Chicago was roiled by another round of protests and looting following the Memorial Day death of George Floyd in police custody in Minneapolis.

The 18 deaths tallied by the University of Chicago Crime Lab made May 31, 2020 the single-most violent day in six decades, the Chicago Sun-Times reported Monday. The Crime Lab numbers go back only to 1961.

On May 29 and May 30, there were seven murders. In a city with an international reputation for crime, the 25 murders on those three days made for the most violent weekend in Chicago’s modern history, according to the paper.

“We’ve never seen anything like it, at all,” the crime lab’s senior research director, Max Kapustin, told the newspaper. “I don’t even know how to put it into context. It’s beyond anything that we’ve ever seen before.”

Chicago’s next most violent day was Aug. 4, 1991, when 13 murders were recorded.

“The level of activity experienced over the last week has been unprecedented and the Department is actively investigating multiple incidents across the city and working to determine the motives in these cases,” Chicago Police spokesman Thomas Ahern told the Sun-Times.

He said the department was “actively working to seek justice for all the residents impacted, especially those who have been killed or injured by these senseless acts of violence.”

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작성일2020-06-09 09:23

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