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밀피타스에 웨스트 나일바이러스 모기 방역, Mosquitoes with West Nile Virus confirmed in M…

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Mosquitoes with West Nile Virus confirmed in Milpitas

MILPITAS, Calif. (KRON) – Targeted treatment in Milpitas is scheduled for Thursday, June 11 after some mosquitoes in the area tested positive for West Nile Virus.

According to the city, the adult mosquitoes with WNV were found in portions of the 95035 zip code.

The treatment will start at 11 pm. and will last for about three hours, affecting the following areas:

Supervisorial Districts: Districts 3
Cities: Milpitas
Centered at: Two locations near Coyote Creek
Bordered by:

North – Dixon Landing Road
East – N. Milpitas Boulevard and N. Abel Street
South – Highway 237 and Bellew Drive
West – N. McCarthy Boulevard
Treatment Zip codes: Portions of 95035
Map at: https://arcg.is/feHye


WNV infection does not cause symptoms in most people; however, for some individuals it can cause fever, headache, body aches and, in severe cases, significant neurological damage or death.

Adults older than 50 years and individuals with certain chronic medical conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, and kidney disease are most at risk for serious complications.

As hot weather continues and summer draws near, officials are advising everyone of the following tips to prevent the spread of WNV:

On your property:

DRAIN or DUMP standing water weekly. Mosquitoes lay eggs in stagnant water.
Drain, remove or turn over anything that can hold water, such as flowerpots, planter bases, bird baths, toys, cans, rain gutters, pet dishes, buckets, and old tires. Fix leaky water faucets and sprinklers.
Screens on doors and windows should be tight-fitting and in good condition.
Do not let your swimming pool water fall below the pump circulation area. Free mosquitofish placement can be requested online at SCCVector.org for placement in neglected pools or ornamental ponds.
Outdoor Activities:

Limit outdoor activities during DUSK and DAWN to prevent mosquito bites. Those are the times when the mosquitoes that transmit WNV are most active.
If you need to go outside in an area where mosquitoes are active
Dress in long sleeve shirts and long pants, preferably in light colors.
Apply insect repellent approved by the Environmental Protection Agency, following label instructions.
For free assistance with mosquito control, WNV, or other vectors, you can contact the District office at (408) 918-4770 or fill out a service request online at SCCVector.org.
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작성일2020-06-11 16:33

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