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7/1일. 주지사 발표, 다시 문 닫아라.. State orders indoor restaurants, wineries, th…

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몇일간 많은 확진자 발생으로 요주의 카운티 19개에 대해 식당, 와이너리, 극장, 동물원, 박물관, 카드룸 등 문을 닫으라고..
아웃도어에서 하는것은 가능하지만 인도어에서 하는것들 모두...

아직 오픈도 해보지 못한 콘트라코스타 카운티와 산타클라라 카운티도 포함.

산마테오 카운티는 제외되어 식당 오픈 가능


State orders indoor restaurants, wineries, theaters to close across 19 counties
Gov. Gavin Newsom said changes will apply to 19 counties on state monitoring list

The state has ordered indoor operations at various businesses — including restaurants, wineries and theaters — to close down immediately in 19 counties in light of rising hospitalizations and coronavirus cases, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Wednesday.

All counties that have been on the state list for extra monitoring for more than three days must stop welcoming people indoors at restaurants, wineries and tasting rooms, movie theaters, zoos, museums. Outdoor operations at those venues may continue, but bars must close down completely.

The decision came as coronavirus spreads at an alarming rate statewide: Hospitalizations rose 32% over the past week for a total of 5,047 people, while 107 more people died Tuesday — the deadliest day since June 10. The state’s total caseload meanwhile has risen to 230,764 after breaking the record for the most cases reported in a single day Tuesday.

“That’s why we’re moving forward at this moment in terms of mitigation strategies,” Newsom said, adding, “We’re focusing and targeting local parts of the state where we’re seeing an increase in community spread and an increase in the positivity rate.”

In the Bay Area, Contra Costa, Santa Clara and Solano counties are included in the new mandate. As neither Contra Costa nor Santa Clara has yet to open such indoor facilities, it serves to push off any reopening for at least three more weeks, while dine-in restaurants in Solano must close.

Santa Clara County is expected to release a new order sometime this week with its own next steps.

In Los Angeles County, which makes up about half the state’s total cases, bars, wineries and breweries had reopened as of June 20, prompting a surge of visitors. San Mateo County has reopened for indoor dining, but because it’s not on the state watch list, restaurants can remain open.

As it rolls back restrictions, the state will also establish new “strike teams” to enforce compliance at workplaces and businesses — with an initial focus on the 19 hotspot counties. Members of Alcoholic Beverage Control, CalOSHA and the Department of Business Oversight, among others, will form partnerships with local health departments to begin inspecting worksites.

“We will have these agencies leverage their regulatory authorities and enforcement authorities to enforce the public health orders in place throughout the state,” said Mark Ghilarducci, director of the state’s Office of Emergency Services.

The 19 counties affected are:

Contra Costa
Los Angeles
San Bernardino
San Joaquin
Santa Barbara
Santa Clara
추천 0

작성일2020-07-01 14:18

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