The Life of Dependency 의존하여 사는 삶 '매 순간 Moment by Moment' 한국찬송가 407
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The Life of Dependency 의존하여 사는 삶 '매 순간 Moment by Moment' 한국찬송가 407
"남에게 의존하여 산다"는 것은 대부분 인간들이 무언가 잘못된, 무엇인가 모자라는 삶으로 경멸한다. | "Life living dependent upon others" is usually despised by men as if such life is an indication of weakness or lacking in character. However, the fact is that God in the beginning when He created Adam and Eve, did not make them to be able to live on without relying on others or by their own power and strength but to be just naive to be dependent upon God for everything.
Those who are not cured of such infection would not even recognize the existence of God, but dare to achieve every possible thing on their own strength and power. Because of such spirit, life depending upon others is the object of their contempt.
But those who are born again from above by the miraculous works of the Word and Holy Spirit will live the lives dependent upon God, MOMENT BY MOMENT for every thing. Their lives shall be just like the woman (as the bride of Christ) who was decreed by God to have her desires to be met by her man in Genesis 3:16. And so they eat the Mana from heaven that is Jesus/ the Word daily for their spiritual sustenance remembering God's command in Matthew 4:4.
From the beginning man who was created to be just naive, and who was even deceived by the devil, was not able to save himself by his own works (or keeping the law). Man was made to be dependent upon the works of Christ so that he may live the life totally dependent upon Christ for everything Moment by Moment.
I, YouShine, understand that God made His Bride to be dependant upon Him for every thing moment by moment because He wants to have such intimate relationship with His Bride as man and woman have in marriage institution.
The one who composed the following hymn must have understood this aspect of God's will better than anybody else.
Moment By Moment written by Daniel W. Whittle, composed by May Moody, Daniel Whittle's daughter. Click the link if auto video feature does not work on your browser.
Moment by moment 를 한국
찬송가 407 에선 "언제나" 로 번역했던데 "매 순간"이 더 정확한 번역이라고 믿어 교정 번역을 시도했다.
Never a trial that He is not there,
Never a weakness that He doth not feel, |
유샤인의 번역 |
한국찬송가 407 |
원본에 충실하려는 번역: 유샤인
Translation by">
작성일2018-06-13 20:09
유샤인님의 댓글
유샤인Reckon 이란 영어 단어는 원래 회계분야에서 쓰여지는 단어다. 부채를 청산한다는 뜻으로 주로 쓰여진 단어다.
예수와 함께 죽음으로 예수가 그의 신부의 죄를 십자가에서 속죄 할 때 그의죽움으로 해서 나의 죄도 속죄 되었으니 나의 부채도 하나님앞에서 청산되었다는 중요한 의미를 작시자는 양어 단어 reckon을 써가며 밝히고 있다.